How to shine in society as a traveler: Pablo

Gabriel Morin
Published in
4 min readMay 26, 2016


If you like to travel, your probably like to meet new people. It’s quite a common trick to socialize, but using your interlocutor’s language with your own little accent definitely works. Especially when you start using the weirdest, funniest, most surprising expressions you learned. Something they would not expect coming from the mouth of a foreigner.

Those expressions are, to be honest, my little pleasure. They are often very personal to each and every one of us, reminding us of a time and place we learned this expression. And even better, you can innovate and play with the context, use them in new configurations that only a foreigner would have thought about.

I get very excited when I learn a new expression from a friend, but always scared to forget it before I get the chance to use it… That’s how Pablo was born.


Teach Pablo

Dear travelers, digital-nomads, couch-surfers and other exchange-students, let me introduce you Pablo. What’s better than a Parrot to be taught new words? Every time you learn something new, just teach it to Pablo. He will never forget it, and make sure you are never going to forget it either. Here’s how it works so far:

  • Write something in the language you’re learning.
  • Write the translation in your own language. That’s it!

Pablo teaches you

  • To practice, read your list and try to guess the meaning of each word. The latest ones are on top.
  • If you’re not sure, slide it to the right to have a sneak peak at the translation.
  • To reverse the list and see your native language first, shake your phone.

Can Pablo speak?

Well, in a way yes. Some languages make it hard to guess the pronunciation from their writing. Therefore you can now record words with your phone’s microphone, and listen to them later on.

Social Pablo

In your discovery of a new country, you will make friends, acquaintances, or maybe even find your special one... Well, you’d be glad to know that you can share your Pablo with them!

Create a list to teach each other new expressions, or request a translation (when you don’t trust google translate’s accuracy). Your friend being notified, you can have your translations in a few seconds…

Get the app

To adopt your own Pablo, just click on the button below, and don’t forget to get a Pablo for your friends as well: share them this article!

Pablo is a phone app for Android and iOS to help you keep track of your favorite vocabulary when learning a new language.
> Follow Pablo on Facebook!



Gabriel Morin

Optimiste acharné. French developer based in Bucharest