Beware of Fact Checkers!

Harri Son
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2020

Can you believe there are fake fact checkers? Sites that now censor users’ content rely on unknown fact checkers, and that’s a real concern. Teachable Moments wonders why is there a first Amendment if the “fact checkers” can cancel it out?

We tested Facebook to see if our theory actually works. We found the most fake story we could find and reported it to Facebook’s complaints. Since we all know that Donald Trump is NOT a Nazi, we know the article is fake. As it turns out, the article is nothing but lie after lie intended to slander President Trump. So we reported it and checked the “Fake News” option in the report dialog. Facebook said :

… was reviewed and though it doesn’t go against one of our specific community standards, you did the right thing by letting us know about it.

Actually, Facebook’s automated reporting system thought we were reporting the “image” posted and not the subject or the link. So you see, Facebook’s “fact checking” is nonfunctional.

So much for Social Media fact checking and honesty. This is why we strive to bring you beneficial Teachable Moments!

If you have a teachable moment to share, please let us know!

