Have you been trapped in the cancel culture?

Harri Son
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2023

Is it time to stop this foolishness? John Stossel thinks so, and you should watch his latest video. We’ve been cancelled, in fact, “Teachable Moments” has been permanently banned on Facebook!

If you’ve ever had a friend tell you to “…stop posting to my feed” you’ll appreciate what Greg Lukianoff and Rikki Schlott reveal in their unabashed truth about the Cancel Culture.

And it’s gotten so bad that even New York University has listed a “Bias Response Line” so students can report anyone they want to cancel!

Here’s John’s latest video, interview with Rikki Schlott

Here’s the book : The Canceling of the American Mind: Cancel Culture Undermines Trust, Destroys Institutions, and Threatens Us All — but There Is a Solution.

And that’s today’s Teachable Moment to remember the next time someone tells you to shut up, or you are cancelled in social media!

Note :: Teachable Moments always includes full fact checking links some state-influenced social medias will attempt to convince you that the content is false or misleading. Our full fact check links assure that people can be confident the moments are not fake news. You may not agree, but you simply cannot condemn them as ‘fake’. You are welcome to share the meme at the top of this article, formatted to look good on any state-influenced social media like, Facebook or Twitter.

Please share your #teachable moment with us!

