Here’s how some online trolls cancel honest questions that need answers.

Harri Son
Published in
4 min readDec 17, 2023

Quora is one of the more ‘fun’ social medias based on the concept of people answering other people’s questions. It’s also a place where people’s real personalities are revealed. Some are very ugly, very ugly.

Someone asked the question :

“Do you think the Democrats can even understand how much money a billion dollars is? Do you?”

Our friend over at 60-Second Windows sent us this episode from Quora to obtain a 3rd party review. Teachable Moments often accepts challenges to clarify misunderstandings, unravel disinformation, or correct wrongs.

This Quora question was in reference to the hundren-billion American tax dollars to benefit Ukraine, not America. Considering Tony Blinken and the Biden war machine have planned for another $25,000,000,000. The U.S. tax dollars for Ukraine to are headed to reach $113,000,000,000.

Experience tells us that most people can’t even fathom a single billion dollars, much less a hundred and thirteen billion! So this was a good way to get some answers that we could turn into a teachable moment and help educate some people on how much money we’re really talking about.

Don’t forget that the Federal Government has no money of its own. It only spends American citizen’s tax dollars, so this is a very valid question. The troll in question wants to exploit President Trump’s spending in comparison to President Biden’s spending. The real issue here is how did President Trump use American’s tax money, and who was the beneficiary of the spending.

The response was shocking!

This young woman answered with a surprisingly vile and pernicious answer. In typical troll fashion, she didn’t address the question at all, but rather launched a baleful attack on the author. We won’t repeat it, but it’s included in the screen capture below. We don’t want her language to contaminate our article as ‘human readable’ text in our analytics.

This question did not deserve the answer she attacked the author with. You can read for yourself what she said, in the MEME below. We know 60-Seconds, however, and her rants and accusations are simply not true. It was more like she was having some kind of hysterical attack. Maybe she was just having a bad day.

Her closing was to completely squash the meaning and intention of the question by making a rather outlandish challenge. . . . “I dare you” … she said :

If you want to give me a list of what Trump accomplished in his 4 years in office, I’ll do the same for Biden and we can compare lists. I dare you!!! Don’t worry, I don’t expect to hear from you. You dingbats never take up my challenge.



60-Seconds been challenged many times

There are vicious left wingers and ugly, hysterical trolls who want to destroy President Trump’s accomplishments that benefited Americans. We realize that many angry leftists (like her) actually may not know what President Trump actually accomplished for Americans. They’re so wrapped up in protecting their own narrative, they were too busy thinking up pernicious verbal attacks on Trump and the 90-million conservatives in America.

So, here you go, young lady. Here are accurate listings of Trump’s accomplishments as recorded in the Congressional Record. Read them carefully from the links below, and use common sense to determine whether or not President Donald Trump’s actions were focused on benefiting Americans. We’ll leave it up to you to compare Biden’s accomplishments, which we can illustrate don’t necessarily put America first.

(Remember, all we had to go on was her original challenge. We’ll share this article to see if she will be forthcoming with her “dare” … a list of Biden’s accomplishments.)

Dear readers, you may want to book mark this article, as we’ll be updating it with our Quora troll’s reply, and her listing of Biden’s accomplishments.

That’s today’s Teachable Moment to remember when you see someone on social media trying to censor or block valid information and/or the truth by shifting the meaning and attacking the author.

The list of President Trump’s accomplishments :

President Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history simply because he has delivered what he said he was going to deliver for the benefit of America.

When it comes to the real barometer of presidential truthfulness — keeping his promises is at the top of the list. For better or worse, since taking office Donald Trump did exactly what he promised he would for the American people. No other President in history has accomplished this.

Note :: Teachable Moments always includes full fact checking links some state-influenced social medias will attempt to convince you that the content is false or misleading. Our full fact check links assure that people can be confident the moments are not fake news. You may not agree, but you simply cannot condemn them as ‘fake’. You are welcome to share the meme at the top of this article, formatted to look good on any state-influenced social media like, Facebook or Twitter.

Please share your #teachable moment with us!

