Who will decide where the next invasion will come from?

Harri Son
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2023

One thing we can be sure of with the current conflicts in the middle East is there are going to be refugees — hundreds of thousands of refugees, maybe millions.

So what do you do with all those refugees. First idea would be to let them in the next country. But they tried that. The surrounding countries say absolutely not. And that would be pretty insane.

Embedded in those thousands of refugees are enemy combatants. You would never admit them into your country. Your home, your cities, your families would all be in dire danger. You would never do that.

Or, maybe some people who aren’t very smart would do that.

Or maybe some people who are not very smart already did that . . . how did we let this happen?

Here is the third busiest train station in North America under siege by a horde of violent Hamas sympathizers .

Who are they? where did they come from? Why are they here? Is anything being done about them? How much will they cost? Are you safe?

Watch as a huge mob of Antifa and pro-Palestinian activists block a US military ship from loading weapons and supplies being sent to Israel.

When you have a completely open borders, and millions of foreign nationals, mostly military age adult men, are flooding through, unhindered, you know that it’s a mathematical certainty that at least a fraction of those millions will be enemy combatants, or sleeper cells, under cover with the intention of killing Americans.

And that’s today’s Teachable Moment to think about the next time you watch throngs and hordes of illegal foreigners flooding into the southern states of America!

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