Captivate Your Classroom With These High School Playlists

Eboni Hogan
Teacher Voice
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2018

Explore each playlist by subject, or access the entire collection.

Social Studies: The Problem With Prosperity
Our world is more interconnected than ever before but globalization has vast economic, political and social repercussions.

Science: Darwinning
In our planetary thunder-dome, it’s survival of the fittest. Thanks to the tireless work of Charles Darwin, evolution isn’t just a theory anymore.

Math: Survey Says…
When applied responsibly, data collection can uncover many truths. See how statistical studies shape our world.

English: What’s Your Point?
An author’s purpose isn’t always so clearly defined but with a little investigating, we can unearth their motives.

By: Eboni Hogan, Content Specialist

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