Now’s the Time to Hit the Road

Join Teachers Going Gradeless on Twitter for a summer of learning

Arthur Chiaravalli
Teachers Going Gradeless
3 min readJun 30, 2017


Well, our first #TG2chat is in the books, and it was pretty incredible. The following GIF sums up my attempt at keeping up with the lighting pace.

A big thanks to my Teachers Going Gradeless cofounder, Aaron Blackwelder, for his expert moderating, and thanks to the many participants who brought a wealth of wisdom and experience to our chat. Our first chat’s topic — Why Go Gradeless? — sparked a wide-ranging discussion, touching on the damaging, demotivating effects of grading…

…and the opportunities that emerge when we take the emphasis off grades.

This Sunday, July 2, 2017, 9–10 p.m. EDT, we continue our series of summer Twitter chats, examining the whys, the hows, and the whats of going gradeless. The goal is to equip you with the rationale, the know-how, and the vision for you to go gradeless this coming school year.

Our topic for this Sunday’s chat is Getting Started, discussing how we take our first steps toward going gradeless. Part of this might involve certain technical aspects, such as what portfolio platform to use, or how to MacGyver the gradebook to communicate feedback.

Oh yes he did

Perhaps more important, however, is how we can share our rationales for going gradeless with colleagues and the communities we serve. While many of us may be lone wolves at first, no one teaches in a vacuum. More than anything, this chat will be about how teachers can successfully set the stage for going gradeless.

I will be moderating this week’s Twitter chat, so check out my introductory video below and skim over the questions in the infographic. I hope you join us as we venture toward a future of growth not grades.

What do you think? I want to hear from you. And please click the so more people get to see this.

Teachers Going Gradeless is a global group of educators convinced that teaching and learning is better when we grade less. Find us on Facebook!

Previous Post: Now’s the Time to Take the Plunge

Next Post: How to Make Feedback the Focus



Arthur Chiaravalli
Teachers Going Gradeless

Teacher, learner, thinker. Exploring what’s possible in education.