40 days…3rd time a charm?

Looking beyond….my commitment.

Maureen Lynch Yarbrough
Gratitude 365


I am committed.

I am committed to moving beyond…turning toward God in each moment that I am capable of doing so (& not, that is, NOT beat myself up when I forget, as I often will!)…I shall strive to grasp onto gratitude and not judge good or bad. Realize that life is only what I perceive it to be…not Reality. My situation does not define me…nothing can characterize me in any way or form….not my income, my looks, the car I drive, the job I hold (or don’t hold), where I live, my friends & family, my marital status, my sexual orientation, who I am seeing…not a single of these things or more…I am only defined via the Heart-light that shines from within All.

I am committed to anchoring into my deep abiding Faith that God IS….& that there are no accidents…if this is truly my belief than I do not have to render events and situations control over me not even one iota….imagined currents of woe will not have the power to pull me under, drowning me in angst & despair. Absolutely not. All is for a reason, as has been demonstrated time after time in my life, and with that…I am free. I don’t need to know…instead I shall strive to be a conduit of light, hope, & LOVE. A state (the only True one) that comes forth much more easily when everything is going as I think it should….not so much so when it does not….each “upset” — ha…continued lessons in forgiveness. Mo, I forgive you {repeat as needed…of course, if you’re reading this…insert your name ;) }

I envision a large mirror in front of me….I see my image, but distorting it is film, a lacing of unconscious guilt……bursting through all however, is a light so intense and pure….it is that which draws me in, captures my being….and gives all the rest permission to be the illusion that they are…holding no influence over the beauty of TRUTH….the intensity of Love.

I am committed…to completing the 40 Day Program (http://teachersofgod.org/day1-commitment/?inf_contact_key=18c06c79870c20d1c1342f19ae2c0a1d92c31a0baf84ab0770113bfcd4cef5d3#.U2KCcPldW7k) for my 3rd time. Many of my “terrors” have presented themselves in my life since the first time I participated in this Program (one year ago today)….I have had a lot of loosening up…my life today looks completely different than it did this time last year…the stories, my intense fears and illusions brought forth, not important….more the reason to deeply root myself in GOD…so, THANK YOU!

Lord, Here I AM!!!! Ready, willing, & able to BE (as You would have me BE)!!!!

I love You!!! I honor You! Choosing….JOY!

