4 Fantastic Ways to Level Up Your Leadership Today

Daniel Bauer
Teachers on Fire Magazine
3 min readDec 2, 2022

“Everyone wins when YOU get better.”

This might be the line that I am most known for.

I believe it strongly.

That’s why it drives me crazy when leaders prioritize other’s learning above their own.

I get it. Educators have BIG hearts.

But it’s not written in stone, that a principal must prioritize everyone before themselves.

It honestly makes no sense.

You are the catalyst in your organization. As such, developing your skill set should be your main concern.

Because when YOU get better …


But when it comes to optimizing your leadership, there are a million different paths a Ruckus Maker can take …

And not all paths are created equal 🙅

So here are some components you might look for in your next professional development experience …

Area # 1 Mindset

“Your mindset is all there is”

If there was only one area to focus on developing, it is mindset.

After all, it’s the stories we tell ourselves (aka our perceptions) that influence everything that we do.

Therefore, developing a mindset that is useful …

antifragile, flexible, compassionate, curious …

is really the most important development work you can do.

Area #2 Design

“Intentional design gets you intentional results”

The results you experience should not come as a surprise.

All results are produced by a set of conditions — set up perfectly — to create those results.

So being super intentional with the inputs and designing the environment that is in your control is another helpful way to create the outcomes you want to see.

Area #3 Culture

“Quality Relationships lead to a Quality Culture”

The other day, my friend Mitch, reflected back something that I wasn’t aware I always say.

(I am VERY aware of this now).

It’s the simplest formula to success I’ve come across …

“You’ll never go wrong treating people right.”

This is an integral part to building a remarkable school.

Area #4 Results

“Create Results, Not a Resume”

Traditional districts who want to attract Play-It-Safe-Principals still rely on “old school” resumes to sift and sort out talented leaders.

That no longer works.

What a Ruckus Maker knows to be true is that your results are the new resume.

Talk about them in public.

Go ahead and show your work.

You might not think anyone is watching, but they are …

Which leads to some pretty cool doors opening for you.

*** Consider The Principal Success Path™ ***

I am so honored that over 150 Ruckus Makers are signed up for my FREE 6-day Maximize Your Margin Challenge. That’s a really good first step.

For Ruckus Makers who want to take their leadership to the next level and 10x their results in 2023, then I proud to announce …

The fourth cohort of The Principal Success Path™ will be launching this January.

The Principal Success Path™ has a simple promise:

Become a better leader in 10-weeks or less.

If you have a question about the program, put it in the comments below. I’ll answer every question and if you’d like me to give you a call, I’m happy to do that too.

75 Ruckus Makers have already “graduated” from the program.

And there have been some exciting changes to the format to make it less time intensive while still creating the same great results for participants.

Learn more about The Principal Success Path™ and apply today! https://www.betterleadersbetterschools.com/principalsuccesspath/



Daniel Bauer
Teachers on Fire Magazine

Host of the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast with over one million downloads 🚀