4 Tips For Becoming An EdTech Leader

Alfonso Mendoza Jr.
Teachers on Fire Magazine
3 min readJun 29, 2021

Educational technology is the use of both physical and virtual technologies in teaching, learning, and research. With the rapid development of new technologies over recent decades, it has become an increasingly important topic in education.

Educational technology includes a wide range of tools and materials that are designed to support teaching and learning across diverse contexts. Educators have used educational technology for as long as they have taught, but only recently has this type of instruction become recognized as a standard part of education, with schools all around the world gradually integrating educational technology into their curricula from kindergarten to university level.

Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash

It’s no secret that the world is changing, and with it so are our schools. One of the biggest changes I see happening right now in education is the incorporation of technology into classrooms. Teachers who have a knack for using technology to its fullest potential will be those who succeed as educators in this new era.

4 tips for becoming an educational leader

  1. Find ways to use technology to enhance teaching and learning
  2. Learn about different technologies
  3. Participate in professional development
  4. Be open-minded and flexible.

1. Find ways to use technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Technology can be used to enhance teaching and learning by making lectures more engaging, providing students with immediate feedback or access to course materials on their mobile devices.

Teachers can provide instant feedback through technology such as quizzes or surveys that gauge student comprehension of the material covered in class so they can quickly identify which areas a learner is struggling with and reteach them accordingly.

2. Learn about different technologies.

Educational technology is ever-changing. To stay up to date with the latest developments, educational leaders need to keep themselves informed about new technologies and innovations.

Keep track of what’s on the horizon: The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative provides a look at emerging research in education and how it will shape future practice.

Watch for trends in discussions among colleagues: Follow blogs like EdTech Trends.

Attend conferences or events that feature speakers whose work you know well or who might introduce perspectives from different sectors.

You can also learn more by talking directly with experts, faculty members, students, other campus partners, vendors/manufacturers, etc., but be sure to ask questions they are qualified (and willing) to answer.

3. Participate in professional development.

EdTech leaders must keep up with the latest trends in order to continue providing their students and colleagues with high-quality instruction. This is accomplished by attending webinars, conferences, seminars, training, and workshops that focus on the current developments within this field of study.

4. Be open-minded and flexible.

Educational technology leaders should be open-minded and flexible. They need to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies, but not let them dictate a course of action without weighing other factors such as cost or practicality.

Being too rigid in your view can lead you down the wrong path — this is risky for any organization leading innovation efforts, especially when it comes to education.

The best educational technology leaders are those who recognize that there’s no one true solution; they constantly experiment and implement new ideas while maintaining flexibility about what works for their school or district at different points in time.

The education field is always evolving, and it’s important for educators to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. This article has provided some great tips on how you can become an EdTech Leader. I would love to hear from you about your experiences in this ever-changing world.

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Alfonso Mendoza Jr.
Teachers on Fire Magazine

I am an EdTech & Education enthusiast that is always striving to better myself continually.