6 Simple Tips To Improve A Presentation

Teachers on Fire Magazine
2 min readJul 18, 2022

Simpler than you thought

Image Credit: GettyImages
Image Credit: GettyImages

You probably clicked on this post because you know the struggle of presenting something. Maybe in school, at your workplace or in an other aspect of your life. I think everyone (including me) had to experience it at least once.

So let‘s not waste time.

Tip 1 — The Start

Don’t use the basic “Welcome to my presentation”. It gets used in almost every presentation. Use something to make your presentation stand out.

Some examples:

  • Start with a video or a picture
  • Prepare a quiz or a question
  • Make a statement about your topic

Tip 2 — Pictures

Pictures will always be your best friend while presenting. Pictures help the audience to imagine what you’re talking about. But pictures aren’t only for the listeners they also help you, if you lose your thread. Just look at the current picture and you will instantly remember what you were talking about.

Tip 3 — Prevent Unusual Text

This applies on your text cards such as your visual presentation.


Only write down important keywords you really need.

Advice: I personally don‘t use text cards — I rely on my pictures and the visual part, so I can talk freely.


Use informative sentences and precise words but keep it short. Find a good balance between too much and too little.

Let the pictures do their magic.

Tip 4 — Preparation

Make sure you know your chosen subject well. So if anyone asks questions you‘re prepared to answer them. It also helps you during your speech, you will notice that you are much more confident. Practice your presentation out loud like you will present to the people.

Tip 5 — Body Language

Your body language is also very important while presenting.


  • Standing upright
  • Using your hands as guide to your speaking
  • Speaking loudly


  • Moving to the left and right
  • Holding big, noisy papers in your hand
  • Not looking at the audience

Tip 6 — Time Management

Don‘t talk too fast. The faster you talk, the less the audience can enjoy your presentation. Take your time and don‘t be afraid to make small pauses after sentences. It‘s also easier to manage your time if you go over your presentation a few times at home. Try to do it as u would in front of the audience. (already mentioned in tip 4).


I strongly recommend these tips. They really helped me to become a way better speaker. You don‘t have to do it exactly as I do adjust them so they fit perfectly for yourself. Try to make a routine out of it and apply it to your presentations.

Thank you for reading my article, I’m sure you will get better with every single presentation…



Teachers on Fire Magazine

Hi, It‘s mikey. I‘m a highschool teacher at the most popular school in Zurich(CH). I‘ve started this medium account to share K-12 education and my knowledge.