8 Education Shifts That Could Create a More Equitable Future

Empowering Students, Shaping Tomorrow

David Sornberger
Teachers on Fire Magazine
6 min readApr 3, 2023


Our world is evolving at an incredible speed, and our educational systems must become to stay ahead. In this blog post, we’ll examine eight education shifts that could pave the way for a brighter future, along with real-world examples of how these adjustments are already being implemented in various contexts.

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1. Personalized Learning

Personalized learning is the practice of tailoring education to students’ individual needs and interests. This acknowledges that everyone learns differently, allowing students to progress at their own rate and intensity. Did you know that personalized learning has increased student engagement and motivation? A study by RAND Corporation demonstrated this connection between personalized learning, improved academic outcomes, and higher levels of student involvement.

AltSchool is a network of schools in the United States that uses technology to customize learning for each student. Each pupil has their own personalized learning plan and works on projects tailored to their interests and abilities. Furthermore, AltSchool utilizes a competency-based grading system, which rewards students for demonstrating mastery over skills rather than simply memorization of facts.

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2. Skills-Based Education

Skills-based education is a movement toward emphasizing the development of 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity. Did you know employers seek many “soft skills” like communication, teamwork and problem-solving? According to a National Association of Colleges and Employers survey, employers rate these abilities even more important than technical ones during the hiring process.

High Tech High, a network of charter schools in California, is an excellent example of this approach. At High Tech High, students work on real-world projects that require them to use and develop these skills. Furthermore, the school emphasizes student-led learning and encourages pupils to take ownership of their education.

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3. Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning is a shift towards active learning, where students work on real-world projects that require them to apply what they have learned in practice. Did you know that project-based learning has been found to benefit students’ critical thinking skills? A study by the Buck Institute for Education revealed that those who engaged in project-based learning scored higher on essential tests of thinking than their traditional method peers.

At Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, students take ownership of their learning and collaborate to find solutions to real-world issues. For instance, one group created a website to connect those experiencing homelessness with resources in their community. The school’s project-based curriculum encourages them to take ownership of their education while working together to find solutions to pressing issues.

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4. Global Education

Global education is an effort to foster an appreciation of different cultures and viewpoints, equipping students to become global citizens in our increasingly interconnected world. Did you know learning a second language has cognitive benefits beyond simply communicating with others? Studies have demonstrated that being bilingual may improve cognitive function and even delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease?

The International School of Amsterdam is an outstanding example of global education in action. Serving students from more than 60 countries, their curriculum emphasizes intercultural understanding. It encourages them to get involved in service projects that promote social justice and address global issues.

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5. STEM Education

STEM education emphasizes teaching science, technology, engineering and math skills to prepare students for a technology-driven economy. Did you know STEM jobs are in high demand and expected to keep growing in the future? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in STEM occupations will grow at an impressive 8.8% annual rate from 2019–2029 — much faster than all occupations combined!

City College’s High School for Math, Science and Engineering is an excellent example of STEM education in action. Here students receive rigorous coursework and hands-on experiences that prepare them for careers in STEM fields while also connecting them to industry leaders for internship and mentorship opportunities.

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6. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence recognizes the critical role of social and emotional skills for success in life, such as self-awareness, empathy, and resilience. Did you know that mindfulness meditation has been found to have a beneficial effect on emotional well-being? A study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison discovered that individuals who practiced mindfulness had lower levels of anxiety and depression compared to those who didn’t.

The Holistic Life Foundation in Baltimore, Maryland, provides mindfulness and yoga classes to students from underserved communities. These lessons help develop emotional intelligence and coping skills. Furthermore, the foundation collaborates with schools on programs that promote emotional well-being and positive behaviour.

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7. Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is an evolving concept recognizing that education should be a lifelong process beyond formal education. Did you know continuing your education can lead to higher earning potential? A study by the Lumina Foundation discovered that individuals with bachelor’s degrees or higher earned significantly more over their lifetimes than those without one. Those who continued their formal education also had greater earning potential.

Skillful Talent Pathways in Colorado allows adult learners to hone new skills and transition into new careers through apprenticeships, certifications, and other forms of training. Furthermore, the program collaborates with industry leaders to design training programs tailored to the demands of the labour market.

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8. Education for Sustainability

Education for sustainability is a movement to emphasize the significance of environmental stewardship and prepare students to tackle climate change challenges and other sustainability-related concerns. Did you know that sustainable practices have economic and environmental advantages? According to a World Bank report, implementing sustainable measures can increase efficiency and cost savings for businesses while decreasing environmental impact.

The Green Schoolyards program in New York City transforms schoolyards into green spaces that promote environmental education and support sustainability practices. Students gain insight into the advantages of green infrastructure, are involved in designing and implementing projects, and work alongside community organizations to promote environmental stewardship and boost local sustainability initiatives.

Implementing these changes necessitates adjustments throughout the education system, from curriculum design and teacher training to school infrastructure. However, there are already numerous examples of schools and programs that have successfully made these adjustments and are preparing students for success in the future.

Implementing these education shifts is no small feat. Yet, it is necessary to prepare our students for the future. Nelson Mandela once said,

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”

By embracing these shifts, we can build a better tomorrow for our students and humanity by equipping students with the skill sets necessary for success in an ever-evolving global marketplace while teaching them responsibility and global citizenship. Let us work together to make these shifts a reality and create a brighter future for generations ahead.

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