Are You the Hero of Your Own Story?

Dr Francois Naude
Teachers on Fire Magazine
3 min readApr 11, 2020

What we do have to look forward to is the transformation that is happening within us during this crisis. We will emerge renewed.

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Joseph Campbell described the hero’s journey, and many authors use this as a template to produce intriguing stories. The hero’s journey is roughly outlined as follows:

  1. Departure: The hero goes on an adventure.
  2. Initiation: The hero ventures into unknown territory and emerges victorious from a crisis after enduring many trials and challenges.
  3. Return: The hero then returns home transformed.

Pick any of your favorite stories and see if the narrative fits this template.

When I first encountered this I couldn’t not see it in every movie or series I watch.

Star Wars, Yup!
Lord of the Rings, Yes!
Game of Thrones, Definitely!

The reason these stories are so successful is because they resonate with a large audience and represent the inner desire of all of us to be the hero of our own story.

Teachers find themselves wearing two hats. First, that of their own hero’s journey, and second, being the mentor or helper for others who are on their respective hero journeys. We forget so often to first look after our own journey before assisting those who travel the adventurous path alongside us.

There is a reason why the flight attendant (will we ever see one of those again soon?), during the in-flight safety demonstration says that we should put the oxygen mask on ourselves before attempting to assist others with putting on their masks. If we pass out, we won’t be able to assist anyone, but what is worse is that we then add to the crisis by being yet another person who needs to be cared for.

Globally, we are currently facing unknown territory and we are faced with challenges and temptation. The question now is, will you emerge victorious from this battle? The battle with your inner self. You can only return home transformed, once you overcome the trials and challenges you face.

During all of this we have multiple little pairs of eyes watching how we react to the crisis. They take their cue from the adults in their life. Are they seeing yet another adult passing out because they couldn’t manage to get their oxygen mask on in time? Or are they seeing a confident, mask-wearing, calm adult ready to assist them through the crisis?

The hero’s journey is often depicted as a cycle. Once the hero returns home, there is often a new call to adventure. Just look at most of the successful books, movies and series. They very often have sequels. The same hero from the initial story faces a new crisis. During the sequel, we get to see how our hero uses the learnings from the first story in dealing with the challenges of the new crisis.

You seldom only have one hero’s journey in your life.

I’ve been faced with challenges and temptations in the past and conquered them. This time won’t be the first or the last time that I find myself in this position. I receive great confidence from the learnings from my previous adventures and that gives me perspective. The crisis that lies ahead will once again be overcome just as I have beaten the previous foes that stood between me and my goal.

What we do have to look forward to is the transformation that is happening within us during this crisis. We will emerge renewed.

Yet, no hero achieved the transformation on their own. There are mentors and helpers along the way. Keep your mentors and helpers close during this time. Collaborate with colleagues and ensure you lessen each other’s load as much as you can. Look after yourself first and don’t contribute to the crisis.

I can’t wait to hear you tell your battle stories when all of this is over and we all return to our metaphorical homes.

With a flame in my heart and fire in my eyes.

Francois Naude

Photo by Andrew Tanglao on Unsplash



Dr Francois Naude
Teachers on Fire Magazine

My purpose is to motivate, inspire and support teachers. I do this through my web series called ‘Super Teachers Unite’ and other content platforms.