Compassion Over Cancellation: Seeing the Humanity Across the Aisle

Tim Cavey
Teachers on Fire Magazine
3 min readFeb 9, 2022


Educators must show society what respectful and robust disagreement can look like.

Image Source: iStock

We’ve seen so much division in the last two years.

Democrat versus Republican. Liberal versus conservative. East versus west. Urban versus rural. Rich versus poor.

And if that wasn’t enough, the pandemic has introduced bigger wedges than ever.

Relatives have severed relationships. Friendships have been finished. Neighbours have stopped talking to each other. Creators have been utterly cancelled in a flourish of clicks and keystrokes.

When adults behave badly online

On the weekend I observed another local protest. And by observed I mean I followed it on social media platforms.

Protestors and counter-protestors faced off. Emotions were clearly running high and there was no shortage of screaming euphemisms on either side of the issue on the ground and online. But one moment from Twitter really got my attention.

Someone there gleefully infiltrated (his word) a group of protestors. He began snapping pictures of participants and tweeted each photo with snide, belittling remarks for each unsuspecting subject.



Tim Cavey
Teachers on Fire Magazine

Elementary Vice Principal and Teacher. Education YouTuber at Teachers on Fire. Big believer in Growth Mindset. EdTech should promote the 5 Cs. MEdL.