Exercise Your Creativity Muscle

Alfonso Mendoza Jr.
Teachers on Fire Magazine
3 min readJun 17, 2021

Everyone has it, but you need to start exercising it and building it up.

It can be scary to share your creativity with others. However, it’s important that you do so for more creative ideas to come out of the process and give hope to those who need help. Everyone has different levels of creativity, but even if someone thinks they are not very creative at all there is no excuse because everyone deserves an opportunity!

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Most people have a fear of sharing their originality with other individuals or organizations, but this act could lead to creating new innovative concepts and giving hope for those who might feel hopeless otherwise. No matter how much confidence one may have when it comes down to being “creative” — whether we think we’re bad at things like artistry or writing poetry-everyone needs some inspiration from time to time for our creativity not to be stifled.

Creativity is a muscle, everyone has it, but you need to start exercising it and building it up. This muscle can be grown and strengthened over time. The only thing holding you back from coming up with world-changing ideas could simply be the lack of practice and creativity will become more natural as your mind adjusts to new concepts about what’s possible in this world.

Check out the following suggestions to help you exercise creativity.

1. Annotate Ideas

There are many tools you can use to capture your ideas. I like using voice memos on my phone because it is very convenient and easy, but other people prefer a notepad or journal that they always carry around with them. Whatever tool works best for you, be sure to have one on hand so that an important idea does not slip away from memory!

2. Don’t Limit Yourself

Explore outside the box and try something new because you never know what might just work. Even those ideas that seem difficult to realize are important for a variety of reasons. First, what may seem impossible today might not be difficult in the future as you start developing your creative skills. Second, these possibilities encourage further creative thinking about how to make them happen — which could lead you down some interesting paths!

3. Landscape

A change in scenery can stimulate the creativity inside you. A change might be as simple as a walk in the park, but don’t forget about taking some time to visit new places like beaches, community gardens, museums, which can also spark ideas!

4. Study

There are so many ways to have an idea. By studying more, your creative potential grows exponentially, and you can come up with new ideas that would never cross a person’s mind if they were only focused on one area of study or interest.

5. Move Around

There is no shortage of creativity on a walk. I find my best ideas happen when I am taking time to clear my head and get some fresh air, which can be achieved by walking or any form of moderate exercise. Some people have written articles while getting their heart rate up in the process!

6. Brainstorm

Brainstorming is a very quick and simple process. You can even do it for 10 minutes at the beginning of your workday to generate ideas that will be beneficial later. It’s important, though, not just to think about what you’re brainstorming but also to write down anything else that comes into your head throughout the day as well!

7. Think 10x

What are you most passionate about? The larger the question, the larger your impact to change it. You can start by making some small changes by solving small problems, but don’t forget the bigger picture.

Think outside the box and harness your creativity to generate ideas with the potential for changing the world. It’s never too late; get started today!

Check out my Amplify Creativity Project. I am creating one new thing every day and documenting it on my YouTube Channel.

You can also check out my podcast at www.myedtech.life



Alfonso Mendoza Jr.
Teachers on Fire Magazine

I am an EdTech & Education enthusiast that is always striving to better myself continually.