How To Start An Anime Club At Your School

“We watch anime and eat snacks.”

Anime Teacher
Teachers on Fire Magazine


Photo by Guillermo Diaz on Unsplash

The situation was dire. Seemingly overnight and out of nowhere, the middle school where I worked announced a brand new in-service club day for students. All teachers needed to submit plans for their club by the end of the week. The alternative club day schedule had been revised five times and still contained numerous errors.

Had anyone asked the cafeteria workers about these new hours?

We demanded to know!

Teachers in groups were at once problem-solving the club day schedule and logistics presented by administrators, and it was under such duress that Anime Club was born.

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Anime Club Format

Anime Club is a free indoor club format for middle schoolers!

Since there were 32 chairs in my classroom at the time, I set a capped limit at 32 participants for seventh and eighth graders only. Somehow, I ended up with 35 students and one fifth grader. Needless to say, we adopted the fifth grader immediately and borrowed chairs next door from the less popular (but equally successful) Knitting Club.

