Level Up Your Summative Assessments with This Checklist

Tim Cavey
Teachers on Fire Magazine
3 min readJan 3, 2022


Put your K-12 assessment tools to the test with 15 powerful questions.

Photo by Kuanish Reymbaev on Unsplash

I recently attended a professional learning event titled ‘Developing Targeted Assessments’ facilitated by my friend and Director of Learning, Darren Spyksma.

Darren is a phenomenal thinker and has partnered with other education leaders to facilitate a 4-part assessment series for K-12 educators this year. The series looks closely at appreciative assessment, the language of assessment, growth-focused assessment, stories of assessment, and more.

In ‘Developing Targeted Assessments,’ Darren challenged us to put our summative assessments to the following test. And there’s just too much gold here not to share.

A checklist for pedagogically strong and equitable summative assessments

Here’s the challenge, then: sit down with yourself and your next summative assessment and put it to the test with these 15 questions.

  1. Was the assessment planned ahead of time?
  2. Does the assessment activity strengthen the student’s sense of belonging in the community?
  3. Were the criteria for demonstration of proficiency co-created with students?



Tim Cavey
Teachers on Fire Magazine

Elementary Vice Principal and Teacher. Education YouTuber at Teachers on Fire. Big believer in Growth Mindset. EdTech should promote the 5 Cs. MEdL.