#OneWord2020: Challenge

Debbie Tannenbaum
Teachers on Fire Magazine
5 min readDec 29, 2019

This past weekend, I participated in two extremely inspirational Twitter chats: #pd4uandme and #leadlap. Both of these Twitter chats focused on reflecting on 2019 and looking forward to 2020.

#PD4uandme is a weekly Twitter chat moderated by Pam Hubler, Emily Frances and Teresa Gross. It is an edcamp style chat on Saturday mornings from 8:30–9 AM EST. If you haven’t ever participated in one of these chats, definitely try it out. This chat has helped me cultivate accountability groups for blogging and other goals as well.

#LeadLAP is also a weekly Twitter chat. This is a chat that I occasionally participate in on Saturday mornings from 10:30 -11 AM EST. This chat is more traditional with 4 set questions and ending with a call to action.

As I reflected on 2019, yes, there were challenges, but there were also highlights. 2019 was the year I finished my first year of being a tech coach. With the encouragement of my Twitter #PLN, I started a website and started blogging regularly. I got the opportunity to attend #ISTE19 and learn alongside many of my #edutwitter friends. I also persevered through the challenge of getting destaffed and got offered a new tech coach job at a new school in my district. As I calibrated myself to a new school, I learned to listen more and found ways to “tech up the learning” at my new school.

Sure, there are things that I can improve for 2020. I need to have better self-care habits. I have about 50 pounds to lose — yikes! I also want to read more. Maybe podcast? Write a book? Present at conferences? My list is comprehensive and sharing it provided accountability.

So when #leadlap had a similar topic, I was more than ready to continue the conversation. Like I said, this chat is more traditional. It featured questions that first had us analyze the effectiveness of resolutions. Then, it addressed how we plan to hold ourselves accountable. It continued by addressing the idea of “The Burden of Busy,” an amazing blog post by Beth Houf. One quote that resonated with me, “I’ve realized that when I take time to rest and set limits, I am actually more productive both at home and work.” But as the chat ended, we were asked to share a Call To Action.

I paused before I responded. What if I wrote my dreams and not just what I thought were “attainable goals?” Without overthinking it, I responded, “Present at conferences and write a book.” Jay Billy responded by telling me to “Just Do It.”

As the chat concluded, Meredith Johnson challenged us to create our #oneword2020 and send her a DM with a graphic of the word. So many words came to mind: dare, habits, pursue but ultimately, I settled on CHALLENGE.

It captured the true spirit of my goals — I wanted to CHALLENGE myself to accomplish so many goals. Continue some of my existing habits while forming some new ones. It embodied the risk-taking I wanted to continue, but also the consistency I believe I need to have in my life as the new decade comes to be.

As I worked on the graphic, this vision became even clearer. I even printed it out and attached it to both the front of my journal and my phone screen saver/lock screen.

Here it is — my #oneword2020. As you can see, I took my word and thought of multiple ways that I could implement its use this year.

  • Challenge myself to eat healthy and mindfully and Challenge myself to exercise regularly. These habits are ones that I used to be much better at, but since turning 40, self care has not been on the top of my priorities- but it needs to be.
  • Challenge myself to read to learn and Challenge myself to reflect regularly. I love reading, learning, and reflecting but by the end of the day, I find myself too tired to complete these tasks. My new commitment is to do these in the morning.
  • Challenge myself to take risks: apply to present at conferences and work on writing a book. These are those dreams that I plan to challenge myself to the next level. They are my Professional CTA.

I was so inspired by my morning Twitter chats.

As I scrolled through my feed, I then came across another inspiring post on my Twitter feed as I posted my #oneword2020. This blog post, The Power of a Mid Year Reboot, by John Spencer, shares this about a mid year reboot: “It’s a chance to take a creative risk. Some of the most innovative current classroom teachers I know use the mid-year point as an opportunity to spark creativity and bring in a revived energy at the halfway point. “ I loved this idea and immediately went to capture his guiding questions in my journal. In fact, I was so inspired by the post that I also listened to his podcast episode on this as well.

So being in a very creative mood, I decided to turn these questions into an acrostic using my #oneword2020.

My Goal: Challenge myself to establish better self-care habits and take risks.


Ditch: Excuses when it comes to self-care

Redesign: My morning routine of self-care

Creative Risk: Apply to present at conferences and write a book

A special thank you to everyone who inspired this post. I woke up this morning and the words kept pouring out.

Additional shout outs to Traci Browder, who reached out after these chats after seeing we have the same goals and challenging me to be part of an accountability group with her, and to Tara Martin, for all the encouragement and advice to pursue my dreams. We have never met, but both of you have truly become part of my #PLN.



Debbie Tannenbaum
Teachers on Fire Magazine

An elementary school edtech coach in Northern VA, mom of 4, dog mom, wife, blogger and writer. http://www.tannenbaumtech.com