Practical and FREE Learning Design Tool
For this post, I wanted to send out a practical tool for everyone to use, dig into learning with and see the potential that design has to grow our students’ learning.
Clicking HERE, you will find a document with a lesson framework I developed for my staff several years ago. What I was attempting to do is create a success criteria for staff and observers to use in order to be able to enter into a classroom at any given moment to “see” learning taking place.
How does one “see” this? By observing what the students are doing. The students’ actions are a direct result of the design and actions on the part of the teacher on the left.
In this framework, I have placed comments with the potential growth listed for each of the design qualities that have been built into the framework. The effect sizes are based on the latest work posted on the Visible Learning Matrix of Influences listed HERE.
If you have never dug into what research tells us truly affects learning, you may find yourself lost on this site for hours. It really is enlightening. This framework, if used with frequency, duration and intensity, can result in HUGE impacts on student learning.
Why? Because a design ensures we are putting in what evidence has proven effective for learning to occur.
Scrolling down, you will find a lesson plan template with guiding questions that will assist in the design process using the framework.
Again, this is a work in progress as I am still labeling all the potential impacts in the framework. If you want to take the leap into designing learning, this is where the journey begins.
Feel free to read past posts for clarification or reach out anytime with questions at
I hope you find this tool useful!
Keep on Designing!