5 Reasons Why Teachers Are Hesitant to Adopt Technology in the Classroom

Alfonso Mendoza Jr.
Teachers on Fire Magazine
4 min readMar 25, 2022

There is no question that technology has the potential to transform the classroom and enhance learning. But many educators remain hesitant to fully embrace it.

There are several reasons for this, including concerns about cost, lack of training, and fears that technology will lead to them being replaced by computers. In this blog post, we will explore the top five reasons teachers are hesitant to adopt technology in the classroom.

Photo by Rohit Farmer on Unsplash

Why Teachers Are Hesitant to Adopt Technology in the Classroom

1. Fear of Change

The fear of change is a common concern among educators when it comes to using technology in the classroom.

Teachers worry that incorporating technology into their teaching will lead to them being replaced by computers. They also fear that changes in their teaching style may be required to use technology effectively and that they may not have the training or resources needed to make these changes.

The fear of change can prevent teachers from taking advantage of all the benefits that technology has to offer.

2. Lack of Knowledge or Training on How to Use the Technology

Another reason teachers are hesitant to adopt technology is that they lack the knowledge or training on how to use it effectively. Many teachers feel overwhelmed by all the distinct types of technology available, and do not know where to start.

Additionally, many schools do not provide enough training on how to use technology in the classroom, which can further discourage educators from using it. Without adequate training or support, it can be difficult for teachers to feel confident in their ability to use technology effectively in the classroom.

3. Concerns About Students’ Safety and Privacy Online

One of the main concerns that teachers have about using technology in the classroom is that it can be harmful to student safety, privacy, and cyberbullying. Students can be easily exposed to harmful content online, such as pornography, violence, or hate speech, and there is a risk of them being cyberbullied by other students.

Additionally, teachers are concerned about the privacy of their student’s personal information. Platforms often collect a lot of data on their users, and there is a risk of this data being shared or used inappropriately.

Teachers need to be confident that the technology they are using is safe and secure for their students before they are willing to adopt it.

4. Doubts About the Effectiveness of Technology in the Classroom

Teachers are hesitant to adopt technology in the classroom because they doubt its effectiveness. They worry that using technology will not actually improve student learning and may even be a waste of time.

Additionally, teachers believe that computers can never completely replace human interaction in the classroom. They feel that there is no substitute for a teacher’s personal interaction with students and that using technology will only further distance students from the teacher.

These doubts about the effectiveness of technology can prevent teachers from using it in the classroom.

5. Belief That Technology Is a Distraction for Students and Takes Away From Time Spent Teaching

Teachers see technology as a distraction that takes away from real teaching. They believe that students are more interested in using technology than in learning and that using technology takes away time that could be better-spent teaching.

Additionally, teachers feel that technology can be disruptive to the classroom environment and can lead to students becoming distracted from their schoolwork. They worry that students will become addicted to technology and will not be able to focus on anything else.

These concerns about the distractions that technology can cause lead teachers to avoid using it in the classroom.


There are several solutions that can help address the concerns teachers have about adopting technology in the classroom.

For starters, schools can provide more training on how to use technology effectively.

Additionally, schools can create safe and secure online environments for students, where they can access appropriate content without being exposed to harm. Schools can also ensure that student data is protected and is not shared or used inappropriately.

And finally, teachers can experiment with using distinct types of technology in the classroom to see which ones are most effective for their students.

By addressing these concerns, schools can help teachers feel more confident in using technology in the classroom, which can improve student learning.

Alfonso Mendoza Jr., M.Ed. is an Instructional Technologist, Instructional Designer, Doctoral Student, Podcaster, and Google Innovator that is passionate about education.

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Alfonso Mendoza Jr.
Teachers on Fire Magazine

I am an EdTech & Education enthusiast that is always striving to better myself continually.