Red Light Revelation: Teachers are AWESOME!


I sat at a red light the other day, and my mind wandered as it tends to do in these moments of waiting. Looking around, I watched all that surrounded me at some random stop light on a typical city street on a day just like any other. Cars rolling by, buildings on either side of the street casting long shadows, businesses buzzing with activity. People walking by, engaged in conversation, tapping on their phones, or simply enjoying the day. In that moment, as I sat there waiting for the light to turn green, a powerful revelation struck me: None of this — none of these cars, buildings, businesses, or even the simple interactions between people — would exist without teachers.

Teachers. The architects of possibility, the silent sculptors of society. Every profession, every innovation, every piece of our modern world can be traced back to a classroom where a teacher sparked curiosity, nurtured potential, and planted the seeds of potential success. And yet, as we go about our daily lives, we often overlook the profound impact that educators have on every single thing around us..

The Unsung Heroes of Innovation

When we think about the marvels of our time — technological advancements, medical breakthroughs, artistic masterpieces — we often attribute them to the brilliance of individuals in those fields. But where did that brilliance originate? It was ignited in classrooms, nurtured by teachers who saw the potential in their students and refused to let it go to waste.

Think about the engineer who designed the car you’re driving. That engineer once sat in a math class, puzzling over complex equations, guided by a teacher who made abstract concepts understandable. Consider the doctor saving lives, who first learned the intricacies of the human body from a biology teacher who made the subject come alive. Even the artist who brings beauty into our world was once a child encouraged by a teacher to express themselves through color and form.

Every profession exists because a teacher helped shape the minds that would go on to create, innovate, and lead. Teachers are the foundation of all progress, the unsung heroes behind every success story.

The Unacknowledged Value of Teachers

Despite their pivotal role, teachers often find themselves undervalued and underappreciated. We live in a society that praises the outcomes — successful businesses, groundbreaking inventions, skilled professionals — yet overlooks the educators who made those outcomes possible. The value we place on teachers is not reflected in their paychecks, in the respect they receive, or in the way they are spoken of in everyday conversation.

Teachers are expected to be miracle workers, to turn every learner into a success story, often with limited resources and overwhelming demands. They work long hours, not just teaching, but planning, grading, mentoring, and continually educating themselves to provide the best for their kids. And yet, their compensation hardly reflects the importance of their work.

The lack of reverence for the teaching profession is a societal failing. When we fail to honor our teachers, we fail to honor the very foundation of our future. It’s not just about fair pay — it’s about recognizing and respecting the critical role teachers play in the development of every profession and every individual.

Teachers: The Cornerstone of Society

We must acknowledge the truth: teachers are the cornerstone of society. They are the ones who shape minds, instill values, and inspire the next generation to dream bigger and achieve more. Without teachers, there would be no doctors, no engineers, no artists, no leaders. Every profession that exists does so because a teacher first believed in the potential of a learner.

As a society, it’s time we give teachers the respect they deserve. This means advocating for better pay, for better resources, for better support in every way. But it also means something simpler — something that we all can do right now. It means acknowledging the power of their work, thanking them for the difference they make, and understanding that without them, our world would be a much darker place.

To my fellow educators, I say this: You are awesome. You are the reason the world turns. Every day, you make a difference that ripples out far beyond the walls of your classroom. So, take pride in what you do. Brag about it. Support each other, lift each other up, and remind each other that what you do is not just important — it’s vital. You are the creators of all professions, the shapers of all futures. Never forget how incredible that is.

The next time you’re sitting at a red light, take a moment to look around. See the world that teachers built, and know that you are a part of that incredible legacy.



Jason Kennedy- Let's Stop Teaching to Learn!
Teachers on Fire Magazine

Jason Kennedy is a 22 year educator, admin, instructional coach, author & presenter with experience at all levels of education, elementary through college.