Reimagining Creative Writing

How can I help students tell the stories they want to read?

Heather MacCorkle
Teachers on Fire Magazine


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“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” — Toni Morrison (1931–2019)

Among other equally encouraging quotes, this one has probably launched several careers. This creative writing teacher should probably make a floor-to-ceiling poster of the quote to hang in the classroom. Perhaps it would inspire some students.

The plan for creative writing class this year was to engage in several craft talks paired with mentor texts to generate discussion and encourage students to create their own pieces. Unfortunately, that hasn’t worked.

For one thing, the apathy some students feel during this pandemic is palpable, and we aren’t the only school district to experience the phenomenon.

I take full responsibility for the failure of Creative Writing I this semester, and want to go into next semester reinvigorated and readjusted. With the addition of Creative Writing II, it’s going to be difficult, but our first semester ends January 24, so there is still time to reinvigorate and readjust.

Meanwhile, we could return from break with a new perspective! Let’s be hopeful!

Looking Back, Looking Forward



Heather MacCorkle
Teachers on Fire Magazine

Mother and daughter always. Friend, too. English teacher most days.