Social Media Tips for the School Administrator

Nicholas Edwards
Teachers on Fire Magazine
2 min readJan 29, 2023
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

What are you doing as a building leader to inform people about your school? Do you send notices home? Do you use your school website page? Do you use social media? The list can go on and on!

Highlighting your school, staff, students and yourself can go a long way! Building daily communication with your students, families, and your own network gets your philosophy out to the public! Nowadays, everyone is on their phone or connected to some sort of social network platform. The platforms I use are Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Class Dojo, and our school district website. I use these accounts to highlight our school stories and to publicize my personal reflections about Education. Here are tips to guide you to attract followers:

1. Post, Post, Post

Post something everyday! It can be anything. Something that happened in the classroom, an assembly, an award. Just let everyone know the positive work that is going on in your building.

2. Time

Don’t post too early or too late. Find that window that can work for your followers. You cannot go wrong with four time slots throughout the day. Those are; The early risers who check their phones as soon as they get up, the lunch bunch, the right before dinner browsers, and late night owls. Someone will be looking during one of those time slots.

3. Brand

Go Tigers! I always finish with our school mascot name in a message. If I’m not in my suit, I’m wearing our school logo and colors. Be proud, represent your school. Sooner or later, your students and community will follow your vision!

4. Hashtag

If you have a hashtag for your school, always post it. In my old school we were #teamsmALLey, shirts were made, other staff members posted it. In my new school we started #acadeMYschool. We are proud this is our school! Find something different and unique, so that your school can build a new theme.

If you’re communicating with your school community, or just sharing your platform you need to be patient. It can be frustrating when all you do is try to get useful information out to the public and no one is interested. It takes time, so you need to post a lot and get yourself out there! I am now taking the time to send phone blasts in Spanish because our school community is predominantly Hispanic. You have to step out of your comfort zone and try new things to attract followers. Have fun with your posts, be patient, and share away.

Make sure to follow me on my social media platforms:

Twitter: Principal_NE

LinkedIn: Nick Edwards, M.Ed

YouTube Channel: @principaledwards



Nicholas Edwards
Teachers on Fire Magazine

I am an Elementary Principal at Academy Street School in Dover, NJ