Squirrel STEM

Becky Schnekser
Teachers on Fire Magazine
3 min readApr 6, 2023
Photo taken by Becky Schnekser

Our lives revolve around a continuous series of STEM challenges, from storing items in our homes, traveling to different events, or bird watching in our free time. Yes, bird watching.

You see, bird watching is a hobby of mine, and maybe it is for you too. Over the last year, I have built a bird habitat in my yard. With each new feature I add, a feeder, special seed, birdbath, etc., I find a new STEM challenge awaiting.

One of those that seems neverending is the appearance and nuisance of squirrels. I love squirrels, but they damage my feeders and scare away the birds for which I am building this habitat in my yard.

I continue daily, with no exaggeration, to find new ways to serve bird and squirrel populations in my yard through different feeder configurations, food types, and devices. This requires time, patience, focus on trying new ideas, and investment in learning and modifying ideas. I have spent time researching books about birds and websites dedicated to environmentally friendly habitat creation that serve birds and squirrels without causing harm to either.

Squirrels are incredibly resilient; I have observed them holding by one foot, using tremendous core strength to reach a swinging bird feeder with sunflower seeds that taunt them nearly out of reach.

Just today, one of the squirrels in my little ecosystem noticed a change I made in the suet feeder; it now had spice included which is meant to deter squirrels from the feeder. This squirrel noticed the change and stood on its hind legs, staring me down as I observed on the other side of a large glass window. At one point, it raised a paw, and I can only imagine the thoughts it was attempting to convey to me as I was the culprit who changed the food to an undesired squirrel treats.

photo taken by Becky Schnekser

There is no quick answer to deterring squirrels from bird feeders, and therefore requires dedication and resilience in seeking answers, modifying attempts, and noting the results of each attempt to create the ideal environment.

This is STEM, to a tee. For my STEAM advocates, we can do that too, I promise, art and architecture are great integrations with Squirrel STEM :)

Science-observing birds and squirrels, learning their behaviors, feeding habits, and desired habitat features

Technology-researching through books and internet resources, the creation and modification of feeders

Engineering-constant re-evaluation of materials I am using, designing the layout of my bird feeders, and testing different types of feeders and bird food. Even providing feeders specifically for the squirrels so they are not completely excluded.

Math-Measuring distances between my house and different bird feeders and bath setups

This process, this STEM challenge, is very real and can be frustrating as I work to find solutions. It also brings me great joy, laughter, and experience in creative thinking and problem-solving. Most of all, it reminds me that STEM is happening all of the time, all around me, and the more I think about that, the more I see that we are all scientists, engineers, and problem solvers!

How could you use this in your learning environment?



Becky Schnekser
Teachers on Fire Magazine

#ExpeditionSchnekser #OutdoorEdCollective #BoilingRiver #EducatorExplorer she/her #scitlap Founder @OutdoorEdColl National Geographic Grantee