Transformation Check-In #2

Debbie Tannenbaum
Teachers on Fire Magazine
5 min readFeb 14, 2021

It is truly amazing what you can achieve when you reach past the fear and truly believe in yourself, love yourself and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.


It seems hard to believe that I am 42 days or 6 weeks into my #oneword2021, TRANSFORMATION. As I shared in my previous three-week post, I wanted to take my 2020 strides as I CHALLENGED myself to TRANSFORM. But even more than that, as I planned my transformation, I wanted to invest in the unknown, uplevel myself, and grow in amazing new and unexpected ways as 2021 began.

In doing so, I set mini-goals under my TRANSFORMATION mantra. These are habits I dedicate myself to every day. They include healthy eating, which includes making wise food choices and living actively.

I take time to learn every day by reading books that expand my horizons. I reflect on my job daily. In addition to writing every day, I blog regularly, every 3–4 days.

Lastly, I embrace the TRANSFORM mindset — being the best ME I can BE every single day! These habits reinforce who I am each and every day.

Transformation Goal: Being Active and Healthy

Out of all my mini-goals, this is the one I have tended to struggle the most with in the past. A few weeks ago, after taking the “Mastering Me” course with Lindsay Titus, I decided that rather than focus on just my actions, I needed to focus on my identity.

If I am a runner, I need to run regularly. So during the last week of January, I decided to restart Couch to 5K and I am now one day away from finishing week 3 of 8.

If I live actively, I need to include some strength training. So I also started actively participating in the Teachers on Fire pushup challenge.

On January 25, I started with 5 modified pushups. Today, I am up to 25 pushups a day. In addition, if I am healthy, I need to track and monitor my food. These goals will transform my body and the way I care for it in 2021.

Learn Something New Every Day, Reflect and Blog Regularly

I am a lifelong learner and I engage in this work every day. For the past 42 days, I have read for 10–15 minutes and worked on my writing (journaling, book writing or blogging) for at least 30 minutes. This has truly been transformational. As of today, I have read 7 books. All of these books have truly expanded my horizons and led to amazing insights.

  • Empowered at a Distance by John Spencer
  • Road to Awesome by Darrin Peppard
  • Unlocking Unlimited Potential by Dr. Brandon Beck
  • Divergent EDU by Mandy Froehlich
  • Limitless Mind by Jo Boaler
  • The Speaker, The Author by Cathy Fyock and Lois Creamer
  • Learn Like a Pirate by Paul Solarz

In addition, I am in the editing stages of my book and have written thirteen blog posts including this one. Amazing!

Living the TRANSFORM Mindset

Last week, I shared that I am the author of my story and I get to decide what to write. I get to change that story if I need to and that is what I have done. I have transformed my inner thoughts and am now living an exciting outer reality.

After taking Lindsay Titus’ Mastering Me Master Course, I took a bold step and enrolled in her 12-week Ignite Your Legacy course. I am ready to take this next step and continue to write and design my transformation story.

This is such an exciting process and I can’t wait to see where I lead my story to next. Believing in myself and setting a course for success has totally transformed the way I live. Now, I am approaching challenges as opportunities. I am seeking these challenges and loving how they add to my life.

  • I signed a publishing contract to TRANSFORM my manuscript into a published book with Road to Awesome LLC on January 15th!
  • I have been accepted to present at eight virtual conferences in early 2021, in addition to presenting two webinars for Educator Alexander.
  • I have been participating in the Teach Better Administrator Mastermind and Voxer group for five weeks now and loving it. I learn so much every week!
  • I began reaching out to my school’s parent community by presenting at PTA meetings about digital citizenship and started posting weekly Family Tech Tips.
  • I participated in a Teachers on Fire Roundtable discussion on YouTube and did my first Facebook Live with Dr. Brandon Beck on January 27th.
  • I stretched myself to ask other amazing educators for endorsements for my book and requested podcast appearances.
  • I participated in Lindsay Titus’ Mastering Me class last week and am now part of her 12 week experience, Ignite Your Legacy.
  • I completely renovated my website and got it a domain name, TannenbaumTech.
  • I even applied to do my first keynote EVER!

But beyond just these gains, I have discovered the joy of my mornings in the last three weeks. I look forward to waking up each day. I love the quiet time of reading my book, followed by writing each morning. I love taking some time to nourish my body with either a C25K workout or a morning walk, followed by watching my daily pushup count rise. That time is my time and I treasure it. Lindsay Titus talks about how everything changed when she discovered her ability to blend her life, versus trying to balance her life. My treasured morning time gives me that perfect blend.

Forty-two days in and I am loving my TRANSFORM year. Wow! It is truly amazing what you can achieve when you reach past the fear and truly believe in yourself, love yourself and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash



Debbie Tannenbaum
Teachers on Fire Magazine

An elementary school edtech coach in Northern VA, mom of 4, dog mom, wife, blogger and writer.