Two Years Later, a Breath of Fresh Air for a Pounded Profession

Tim Cavey
Teachers on Fire Magazine
4 min readMar 13, 2022


Love or hate the policy decision — speaking, teaching, and breathing just became physically easier for exhausted educators across North America.

Photo by airfocus on Unsplash

I’m writing this on the two-year anniversary of The Day Everything Changed.

Where were you on March 13, 2020?

I was in Hawaii with my family when the news broke. North America was going into full lockdown, and that included schools.

We remained in the state for a few more days. But we knew that after that flight home, nothing would be the same.

Daily headlines. Lockdowns. Bend the curve. Remote learning. Zoom.

Remember remote learning? How can we ever forget it. What a cycle of emotions that was: anxiety, wonder, amusement, then screen fatigue and disillusionment.

Teaching from home was no walk in the park, and there was no end to the school day at first. Such a long time ago, but we remember those days so well.

Bend the curve was the mantra of the time. That was our mission. And the world did its best.

The initial shock of teaching through a mask

When we did come back into physical buildings, spaces, and classrooms, we were welcomed by…



Tim Cavey
Teachers on Fire Magazine

Elementary Vice Principal and Teacher. Education YouTuber at Teachers on Fire. Big believer in Growth Mindset. EdTech should promote the 5 Cs. MEdL.