Why Does The Makerspace Inspire Innovation?

Alfonso Mendoza Jr.
Teachers on Fire Magazine
3 min readJul 9, 2021

The makerspace is a place for creativity, innovation, and learning.

Makerspaces are typically located in libraries or schools where people can come together to share their interests in order to create something new and interesting. This blog post will explore the benefits of makerspaces from an educator’s perspective on how they inspire innovation.

How can students benefit from having a makerspace?

In makerspaces, students learn to create and innovate while working with others. Makerspace programs teach important skills such as problem-solving, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and multitasking.

A makerspace is a collaborative environment where people can draw from their diverse backgrounds to combine ideas into new concepts; it’s this diversity of perspective that sparks innovative solutions for today’s complex problems. They move beyond traditional classrooms by encouraging ownership over learning outcomes through project-based work anchored within real-world contexts.

Makerspaces provide low-cost spaces where people of diverse backgrounds can come together to create something new; there is no hierarchy at work here — everyone’s voice has the potential for equal weight because everyone contributes equally to the collective project.

Makerspaces are transforming learning by moving classrooms from static places where we passively receive information into dynamic communities that promote inquiry, collaboration, and creativity while enabling us all to be creators rather than just consumers of educational content.

How can a school create a makerspace?

A makerspace can be created by simply making space in a classroom or library. Makerspaces are most successful when they become meeting places for the school community — a place where people of all ages and backgrounds come together to share their interests and ideas, learn from each other, create new things that were otherwise unimaginable before, and enjoy themselves while doing so!

The makerspace is much more than just a “hands-on” toy room- it’s an environment where students get to use tools like laser cutters, sewing machines, woodworking equipment; one which encourages innovation through creativity as well as collaboration with others.

It’s important for schools to provide such environments because these programs promote inquiry and critical thinking skills among children who have been traditionally underserved in the classroom. Makerspaces are a place where teachers and students come together to collaborate on projects that would otherwise be impossible without makerspace tools, such as large-scale sculptures or hyperrealistic models of human anatomy.

Makerspaces provide low-cost spaces for creativity with tools such as sewing machines or woodworking equipment; it’s important schools take advantage of these programs so students can gain useful experiences they may not obtain elsewhere.

Alfonso Mendoza Jr., M.Ed. is an Instructional Technologist, Podcaster, Doctoral Student, and Google Innovator that is passionate about education.

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Alfonso Mendoza Jr.
Teachers on Fire Magazine

I am an EdTech & Education enthusiast that is always striving to better myself continually.