Weekly Global Education News | April 13, 2017

Konrad Glogowski
2 min readApr 13, 2017


Update on issues affecting teachers and schools around the world

Educating refugees: Old ways of working aren’t good enough

“Refugee children and adolescents suffer from having almost all of their rights taken from them at one point or another, if not all at the same time. Addressing their needs requires new thinking, and fast.”

In new UN role, Malala Yousafzai seeks to inspire girls to stand up, speak out for rights

“The student activist is taking on a new role, with Secretary-General António Guterres having designated her as the UN’s youngest Messenger of Peace, with a focus on girls’ education. She sat down for an interview with UN News following her designation at UN Headquarters on 10 April to discuss what her new role means to her, what her advocacy efforts have taught her and what she thinks are some of the misconceptions people have about her.”

‘Alarming’ rise in use of children in ‘suicide’ attacks by Boko Haram in Lake Chad region

“The use of children, particularly girls, by the Boko Haram terrorist group in violent attacks in the Lake Chad region has seen an “alarming” surge in 2017, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has reported […] 27 children have been used to carry out bomb attacks in public places across Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroon in the first quarter of this year. During the same period last year, the number was nine.

Ukraine: When a bomb shelter becomes a part of daily life

See also: Children in east Ukraine need urgent care to overcome trauma of conflict



Konrad Glogowski

Researching youth well-being, student success, and teacher development. Research, evaluation, and knowledge mobilization professional.