Using TeachFX for online learning

A 1-minute tutorial

Jamie Poskin
1 min readApr 30, 2020


Did you know that you can use TeachFX to get feedback on classes you’re teaching remotely? It’s true! And it’s super easy.

First off, if you’re part of one of our TeachFX partner schools or districts, you already have access to our integration with Zoom or Teams. With the integration, you can simply record your class to the cloud in the Zoom app, and — viola! — you’ll automatically get a TeachFX class report. (Reach out to me at if you want our Zoom or Teams integration enabled on your account.)

If you’re just trying TeachFX for the first time, it’s also super easy: Simply record your class — below I show how to record using Zoom — and upload that recording on the TeachFX web app:

Simple as that! Now you can get the same TeachFX feedback and metrics on student engagement for your online classes.

You can actually get TeachFX feedback on *any* class you’ve recorded, whether using Zoom or some other platform. Just search for the file and upload it:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask by emailing me at

Want to learn more about TeachFX? Visit and find out what’s possible.

