15 Travels Photos That Will Make You Drop EVERYTHING and Go Abroad

Teaching Abroad
Published in
6 min readMar 31, 2017

By: Cassie Wells

We really hate to do this to you but…you were warned!

1. Thailand

Floating in waves of emeralds and blues, you might find yourself here if you decide to teach English in Thailand. Whether you plan to snorkel with the fishes, like ITA alumna, Kirsten, or float along with drink in hand, there’s no denying that the exotic allure of South East Asia is always calling.

2. Mexico

If adventure is calling, might we suggest visiting the ruins of Teotihuacan, just a short drive from Mexico City. Spectacular views, mystery, and a great work out. The Aztecs believed the gods created the universe from these temples. They might be right.

3. Nicaragua

ITA staff member, Jessie Smith, might just be the best sunset photographer in the world. This sunset was snapped on the shores of the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. Although she has seen many a sun dip below the horizon, she agrees that this is best she has ever seen. We can’t argue with her.

4. Peru

As if this picture needs explaining. Peru. Machu Picchu. Unsolved mysteries. Alpacas. Misty mountains. Bucket list. Go. ITA alumna Alison went. She now has a photo that drops jaws around the world. Ours included.

5. United Arab Emirates (UAE)

If attention to detail is your thing, take a look at this beautiful mosque in Abu Dhabi. Marvel at the marble, gilded gold trim, and stark contrast to a clear blue sky. One of the most competitive ESL markets in the world, the UAE is known for being nothing short of luxurious.

6. Czech Republic

Check out the view of ITA alumna, Lauren Manderfeld. Did you know that beer is typically cheaper than water in the Czech Republic? Hello? Still there? Of course you’re not. You’re on your way to the airport.

7. Spain

Do you want to look at all of our travel pictures from our last trip to Europe? Of course not. However, this is an article about travel photos, so you came to the wrong place. We’ll save you the jealousy and post this awesome photo from ITA staff member, Cassie Wells. No, this is not a set of Disney movie. This is what a stroll through the countryside of Spain looks like. Painfully beautiful and straight out of a fairy tale, you might just fall in love in a little town no ones ever heard of.

8. Turkey

You could sit at a desk and stare at a screen all day, or you could teach English near the Mediterranean. ITA alumnus, Andres Aparicio, seems to be enjoying his time sailing off the coast of Turkey. Understandable.

9. South Korea

South Korea is one of the most popular destinations for English teachers. We see why. Sure, you might be familiar with pop culture and kimchi, but can you talk the talk? This is where you could be meeting your chingus for a night out in Seoul. It’s okay. You can google it.

10. Ecuador

ITA staff member, Christie Horvath, recently spent 10 months on the trip of a lifetime traveling around South America with her husband. One of their stops was in Quito, Ecuador. She may have hiked a few hours/day to get this photo, but that smile tells us it was worth it.

11. Cambodia

If the Temples of Angkor Wat aren’t on your bucket list, you’re doing it wrong. The largest religious monument in the world, these ruins are listed as the 7thwonder of the world. ITA alumnus, Mike Opaliski, has visited. Are you next?

12. Italy

The beautiful, dramatic coast of the Cinque Terre is what dreams are made of. Could the Italian Riviera be the next stop on your list? Just a day trip from Florence, home to an ITA TEFL course, the Cinque Terre’s colorful façade will have you wondering why you didn’t visit sooner. Enjoy hikes through olive groves and getting scolded by your Italian nonna for not eating enough.

13. Ireland

The cliffs of Moher are one of the most visited sites in Ireland. We know you don’t want to be just another tourist, but who cares? Go. It’s beautiful. This is your chance to make a “Princess Bride” or “Harry Potter” reference, as portions of both movies were filmed here. ITA staff member, Ian Davis, recently visited and we must say, his photography skills aren’t too shabby!

14. Brazil

Do you ever feel like giving the Earth a big hug? Yes? Well, here’s your chance. Our ITA graduates have really mastered the art of feeling grateful. That’s what travel does to you. The beaches of Rio de Janeiro are a great place to feel one with the world. From Copacabana to Ipanema, you’ll become one with the sun in no time. Soak it all in, because, hey, YOLO.

15. Colombia

We’re not saving the best for last, or are we? Here’s ITA staff member, Jeff Penick, representing International TEFL Academy, for all the mermaids to see! Teaching English abroad will take you to all corners of the globe and then some. It will open your eyes, your mind, and hey, you might even learn something. It might even take you underwater with your pals off the coast of Colombia. Who knows?!

About the Author: Cassie Wells

A Midwestern girl from Valparaiso, Indiana, Cassie had never been abroad until she quit her job as a television producer on her 24 birthday to teach English in South Korea. One of ITA’s most senior advisors, Cassie is also head of the ITA Video Department.

Originally published at www.internationalteflacademy.com.

