Travel More in 2017 by Teaching English Abroad

Teaching Abroad
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2017

Teaching English abroad actually changed my whole life. Honestly, I look at the things I like about my life today and can attribute almost all of them to my decision to each ESL abroad. I learned incredibly marketable skills, built a career path out of pretty much nothing and got to travel more within one year than I ever dreamed. So, in an effort to empower more people to take this leap and change their lives, I have decided to profile some pretty amazing programs that help people teach abroad.

Taking the first step towards even understanding what TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) is all about can be intimidating, let alone actually figuring out the step by step process. Maximo Nivel, a program specializing in training and placing ESL teachers, works to guide prospective teachers through the process. Not only do they provide a detailed guide of why teaching TEFL is beneficial, but they also lay out the answers to questions that have probably been on your mind.

TEFL Certification

Getting certified is typically the first step and can often be looked at like a hurdle or a deterrent. While there are plenty of TEFL certification options, Maximo Nivel actually offers one of their own. Through the program, students will learn:
• Teaching theories

• ESL techniques

• Understanding the English language structure

• Understanding language skills and systems

• Classroom management skills

• Creating effective lesson plans

• Engaging and motivating ESL learners

• ESL teaching methodologies

• How to asses ESL learners’ English levels

• Introduction to resources, tools and materials

• Introduction to international English exams like IELTS

• Career assistance and a job finding workshop

In addition to all of these skills, students will receive a recognized accreditation, observation by experienced teachers, the chance to teach real ESL classes and constructive assessments. The entire experience goes well beyond learning as students will get to meet each other, live in close quarters and socialize in their time off. It’s a great way to make connections in the industry.

Finding a Job

For those who have successfully completed the course and obtained the certification, there is usually a big feeling of relief and accomplishment. It’s then that the next step sets in, one that often times can intimidate new teachers as well. Maximo Nivel stands by all of their students and actually works to place them in schools around the globe, taking out the worry and guess work for students. You may have heard horror stories of shabby living situations and schools that overwork their teachers, but by being placed through the program, you can be assured that you are getting quality schools.

They offer a lifetime guarantee of help for their students which includes:

• Resume and CV preparation

• A list of language schools in the destination of your choosing

• Job boards and internet sites specializing in ESL positions

• Introduction to ESL recruiter partners

• Job offers and contract advice

  • A reference letter

Just their website alone holds enough information to ease your mind and get you started on your journey.
Teaching English in Asia taught me a whole lot about myself and what I wanted and didn’t want out of a career. I met friends from all over the world who I still visit with and talk to today. While I got my experience in China, I was able to use it to easily find teaching positions in Vietnam and Thailand too. My travels opened up and so did my career choices!

Shannon Ullman Writer, blogger, teacher

Originally published at on January 9, 2017.

