5 Lessons for Computer Beginners That Create a Wow Moment

Nate Baker
Teaching Computer Basics
2 min readJan 22, 2014


Teaching someone how to use the computer? A computer is magic to someone who hasn’t grown up with it. Magic is intimidating. You need to show your student they have access to this magic too.

The best way to do this is to guide them through a wow moment. Here are five lesson ideas that have amazed my students. I teach a weekly computer basics class to some homeless folks in Nashville. Hey, I’m Nate.

1. Send them their first email.

Explain that anyone who knows their email address can now reach them. Then show how the email can move from your phone to the screen in front of them. Magic.

2. Help them upload their first profile picture.

If you can show someone how to upload their photo to their Google or Facebook account your friend will be more likely to take ownership over their new place online. Take a photo of them if they don’t have a photo already and email it to them. Welcome home.

3. Show them Google Maps.

Type in your current location. Show them satellite view and then Google Street View. Explain it’s not live but based on pictures taken by satellites and Google cars. Mind blown.

4. Show them how to find friends online.

When I run across people who say they don’t need an email address, I explain that an email address is your passport to the Internet. You can buy stuff and apply for jobs with it. If that doesn’t impress them, I tell them they can connect with their family and friends. Haven’t connected to your daughter in years? The best chance of messaging her is seeing if she has a public Facebook account. When you start by showing what the Internet does for you, it breaks down some barriers.

5. Tell them the next time you’ll help them.

When someone knows they aren’t alone and they have someone that doesn’t make them feel stupid when they learn, they’ll be open to learning more. The fact that you exist opens up a new world. Go forth.

For a beginner, each of these items could be full 30 minute lesson. If even these tasks seem overwhelming to your student, pull it back. Here are the very first 10 things to teach a new computer user.

Thank you for reading. Follow me at @nathanTbaker and please hit the Recommend link below if you found this piece meaningful.



Nate Baker
Teaching Computer Basics

Hi, I’m a business analyst for Chess.com, on the ChessKid team. Also, I love designing board games and playing chess.