5 Tips to Establish a Healthy Balance Between your Work and your Life

Kosta Miachin | Vikasa Yoga
Fons Amplify
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2017


When you start pursuing your career, you may find yourself in a situation where you work all of the time to accomplish your goals, but there are still not enough hours in the day.

This is especially true if you work from home. When you reach this point in your career, it’s imperative for your long-term success that you find a balance between your work and your life.

If you don’t establish a balance early on, you could find yourself quickly approaching burnout. It’s a real condition, and it’s something you’ll want to avoid at all costs.

Let’s look at five tips you can implement to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy by achieving a balance between your work and your life:

1. Stop Chasing Perfection

It’s always tempting to push yourself as far as you can, and chase that perfect work day. But in doing so, you can easily tip your balance and end up killing yourself early in the week. You can counter this temptation by setting more realistic goals for yourself. Understand that every work day can’t be perfect.

So, pick and choose your battles wisely each day for the best outcome, and remember that you can’t do everything.

2. Establish Strong Boundaries

Perhaps the most important takeaway here is to establish physical and tangible boundaries between your work and your life. For example, if you work from home, you should have an office that you can come to and leave when your day is done.

Furthermore, setting a solid schedule for yourself that you stick to can make it a lot easier to come and go. Depending on the nature of your work, you may need to stretch your hours, but having a somewhat defined structure also provides crucial boundaries.

3. Set Priorities During Your Work Hours

Time will escape your grasp if you’re not careful. To ensure every minute counts during your work day, be sure to set priorities before you start. Whether it’s a mental checklist, or a physical one that you check off yourself, this can help you see what it most important to focus on.

Setting priorities can also help you to disconnect and return to your normal life after the work day is finished, and your checklist is complete.

4. Pace Yourself

Sometimes it’s important to work hard and fast, but other times it’s equally important to conserve your energy. As you work, keep in mind how much energy you’re expending. You need energy to relax outside of work just as much as you need energy to complete your tasks.

It’s a careful balance, but one that you should keep in mind throughout your working weeks.

5. Start Small and Build Up

As you begin seeking a balance between your work and your life, start small and build up from there. Rome wasn’t build in a day, as the saying goes. You need to start with small and manageable goals that you can grow from.

If you do go cold turkey and are too regimented as you start to set boundaries, you could fail before you start.

Final Thoughts

Finding a balance between work and life isn’t easy, but it is crucial to your long term success. Using these tips, you can start to define the boundaries between your work and your life while also establishing smart goals for yourself into the future.

How do you strike that balance between work and life? Let us know in the comments below!



Kosta Miachin | Vikasa Yoga
Fons Amplify

Kosta Miachin is the creator of VIKASA Yoga method — a unique, challenging and effective approach to yoga. He is also the founder of VIKASA Yoga Academy.