A Year In Review: The Best Advice For Small Business Owners To Take Forward

It’s not an easy task, but here are the best Fons Amplify posts from 2017.

Gemma Church
Fons Amplify
4 min readDec 30, 2017


Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash

OK, this is a tough post to write. Working as the editor on Fons Amplify this year has been a huge privilege. I’ve worked with some fantastic business owners who write kick-ass copy. Choosing my favourite posts from the year is a little like picking your favourite child…Well, not really. But here goes:

How to Attract Premium Clients

Rob Hampton’s post on attracting wealthy clients quite literally had me laughing out loud (that’s LOLing in today’s language, I believe) when I started to read it.

What followed was an informative piece that taught me to “Offer the Moon, at a Sky-High Price”. It also made me want to reach for a Bud Light. Read the full post here.

How To Get Paid For Every Minute

Getting paid for every minute sounds like an unattainable goal, right? Well, this post from Emily Ann Peterson taught me how to be lazy and uber-productive.

It may sound counter-intuitive but it is possible. Read the full post here.

Sink or Swim: Here’s How You’ll Know When It’s Time To Jump Into Self-Employment

This post from Dana Little really struck a chord with me. I struggled with the decision to quit my “real” job and become a freelance writer for months.

If only I’d had this advice available to me at the time! A great piece that really puts the decision making process in perspective.

Click here to read the full post.

15 Yoga Poses to Make Your Day and Career More Sustainable

Working 24/7 to build your business is exhilarating and exhausting. This post from yogi Kosta Miachin shares some simple poses you can incorporate into your daily regime to help you stay fit and recharge your batteries. Click here to read the full post.

How to Properly Manage Stress During Your Most Chaotic Work Days

If you’re struggling to keep your head above water, this is the post for you.

Kosta Miachin shares tips to identify and manage your stressors so you can more effectively run your business.

Click here to read the post.

How to Market Your Business on Facebook Without Coming Across Sales-y

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a natural salesperson so this post was a breath of fresh air compared to the often overly aggressive marketing advice you receive as a small business owner.

Sarah Skraban shares five ways to market your business on Facebook while remaining true to yourself and your work. Click here to read the full post.

Reciprocal Advantages: Asking For Help From Your Community

In a world where it can feel like we’re moving further apart, this post from Andrew Vait is a stark reminder of the importance of community to enrich your business. Click here to read the full post.

Planning for the “Unplanned”: How Improvisation Will Benefit Your Business

As the New Year looms, you may be making extravagant travel plans or a whole new direction in your business. This post from Hilary Scott Gennaro embraces the benefit of spontaneity to you and your business.

Click here to read the full post.



Gemma Church
Fons Amplify

Head of comms for Universal Quantum. The #freelancewriter who gets #tech.