Rescheduling Private Lessons: How To Be Fair and Flexible

Andrew Vait
Fons Amplify
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2017

It is a Tuesday afternoon, and I have a full day of teaching private lessons ahead. I have commuted to my teaching space, and I am waiting for my first student to show up. And I wait…and I wait.

Every teacher has some experience (read: an overabundance of experience) with students cancelling or no-showing to lessons. You may require that your students pay in advance for a month of lessons — in this scenario, you have likely outlined your cancellation policy, and it isn’t likely very flexible. It may look something like this:

Any cancellation, no matter how far in advance, is a lost lesson with no exceptions for makeups or refunds with little to no wiggle room for the student — or the teacher, for that matter.

Does this sound familiar?

Policing A Policy

In my teaching career, I have struggled endlessly with a firm yet fair approach to rescheduling missed lessons. I taught at a myriad private lesson music schools before starting my own private teaching practice, and the missed lesson policy for those schools was invariably parallel to the aforementioned: any missed lesson is a lost lesson.

As a young teacher, I recognized that this policy felt unfair, but I nevertheless took advantage of a system gamed in my favor.

Of course, there are arguments for this policy: a student is paying for a block of time that can’t be filled on a moment’s notice, or even a couple of weeks in most cases. The teacher has already spent the time organizing their schedule and have already committed to the commute for the day when a cancellation occurs. My former music school director likened it to paying for Comcast: “You wouldn’t go on vacation and ask Comcast to refund you for a week away.” Or a college class — if you skip class, you’re not going to go to the admissions office and ask for a refund for that class. Still, this system always felt unfair, and it was difficult to impose on parents who didn’t share the school’s enthusiasm for said-policy.

Conversely, my performance career has dogged my teaching career with more conflicts than I can recount. For years, I maintained a single teaching day — Tuesdays, as it were — and I would do untold somersaults to keep my Tuesdays open for teaching. In the rare event I was forced to miss a Tuesday for a performance or tour, I would insist on making up every lesson, so as to not miss out on the income. As my performance career blossomed, I found myself missing more Tuesdays than even I was comfortable with. The stress of finding “makeup” days in addition to my scheduled teaching day (Tuesday) eventually became too much to bear. A paradigm shift was in order.

A System That Works For Everyone

It is a teacher’s primary responsibility to create an infrastructure rooted in trust and respect that flows both ways; from teacher to student and vise versa.

In my private practice, I have moved away from collecting monthly tuition; for myself, as a performer whose demand is steadily increasing, and in today’s quick-paced world with kids and adults alike pursuing a multitude of interests, it is hardly practical for me to maintain a weekly lesson schedule. Instead, I give my students the option of paying for a one-off lesson at a commensurately higher rate, or an option of purchasing four lessons at a slightly reduced rate, to be redeemed anytime my student and I find an agreeable time to meet at my home studio.

If something comes up and the student isn’t able to attend, I take care of other business. We live in a mobile world, and as a performer, educator, and entrepreneur, there are endless tasks to which I can attend in the event of a no-show. To pretend otherwise is to create a scenario in which the teacher’s time is viewed as invaluable and the student’s time is viewed as disposable. This is not a recipe for mutual respect and it is unlikely that students will be easily retained.

The payments I receive are more sporadic, yes — but the difference in income is more than met with the opportunity I am choosing to take outside the classroom. This is, of course, a sliding scale system, wherein your consistency in availability should dictate your personal policy practices.

What policy works for you? Please share your experiences in the comments below.



Andrew Vait
Fons Amplify

Andrew Vait is a singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and educator. He currently lives in Seattle, WA and performs and records with his pop band, SISTERS