Valuable Lessons From Academic Coach, Beth Peterson

This Month’s Featured Fons Family Member!

Fons Amplify
4 min readJan 29, 2018


This month’s featured Fons Family Member is Academic Coach, Beth Peterson!

We asked her a few questions about how and why she’s such a great tutor and why her business is thriving so much.

What makes you & your coaching business uniquely perfect for your students?

I work with students from 5th grade into college helping them navigate the complexities of school. Many of my clients are pretty smart but just don’t “get” how to effectively manage their time and materials, prioritize their tasks, monitor and check their work and “to do” lists. Sometimes they need more help with building memory skills, taking tests, sustaining attention and focus or writing papers.

We all can use a tune up with our executive function skills. These are important life skills that can be a better predictor of school/life success than your traditional IQ score. I know a lot of students who aren’t the smartest in their class, but they know how to “do school”, so they get decent grades.

Describe your favorite kind of coaching client!

I’ve always been drawn to the students who think outside of the box or don’t really conform to the system. I think they are the future leaders of the world. I cringe when I see their personalities shift due to chronic anxiety because they don’t quite conform to the demands of school.

It’s my goal to help teach them solid executive function skills that will help decrease their stress levels, build confidence and find joy in their day. I feel that our purpose in this world is to figure out how to optimize ourselves so we can make this world a better place.

How did you get started as an academic coach?

I was a classroom teacher for over 17 years. I tried hard to make every student feel special and help them realize that they have special strengths. I believed in every one of them. I loved seeing their confidence grow once that had figured “it” out. The “it”, however, is different for everyone and it can be such a mystery.

Coaching is like being a detective. I try to figure out what the breakdowns are and determine what tools/skills will help each student get through the roadblocks they encounter.

I decided to leave full time teaching when I went on a quest looking for a coach for my own son but I couldn’t find one. I went to workshops in New England where they have abundant EF/ADHD coaches and I have taken a variety of classes and seminars over the years to refine my skills.

I not only coach students now, but I also train former teachers to become coaches and I consult with schools and parents.

As a business owner, what’s your favorite part about using Fons?

Fons lets me do what I do best… and that’s NOT handling money. They have a great team of experts! I’ve been able to grow my coaching business because I have more time to dedicate to my expertise. If I had to continue invoicing clients and fumbling with so many spreadsheets, I wouldn’t be able to progress like I have.

Isn’t Beth Peterson great!? We need more academic coaches like her in the world!

Now, you can see why she’s this month’s featured Fons Family Member! We wanted to show her some love.

Stay tuned for more about Beth and her coaching business!



Fons Amplify

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