Building an Inclusive Culture to Retain Top Talent: Insights from a Transformative Seminar

Team 3i
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2023
Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

As part of 3i’s continuous commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace, the Employee Experience team Andrew and I recently attended an insightful seminar on building an inclusive culture. Conducted by Robert Walters in collaboration with The Dream Collective, the seminar shed light on the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in today’s business landscape. In this post, we will explore the key takeaways from the seminar and discuss how 3i can promote an inclusive culture while addressing the issues raised by our HR department.

Sarah Liu, Managing Director & Founder of The Dream Collective

Setting the Stage

The seminar kicked off with an engaging introduction by Robert Walters, emphasizing the significance of DEI in the modern world. The dynamic landscape of business was highlighted through examples, such as the impact of the Little Mermaid movie and the rise of transgender influencers. These illustrations served as powerful reminders of the growing importance of DEI initiatives.

Key Insights from the Panel Discussion

The panel discussion featured passionate speakers who shared their personal experiences and perspectives on DEI. Each speaker brought a unique perspective to the table, further enriching the discussion. Here are the key points that emerged during the panel discussion:

  1. Adopt a comprehensive approach to DEI
    Implement initiatives that address the diverse values and priorities of all employees, taking into account their unique backgrounds and experiences.
  2. Gain leadership support
    Continuously communicate the importance of DEI throughout the organization, ensuring that leaders understand its significance and can see evidence of how it positively impacts business outcomes.
  3. Embrace generational diversity
    Foster connections and learning opportunities between younger generations and senior executives to promote mutual understanding and collaboration across different age groups.
  4. Cultivate an inclusive culture through tangible actions
    Drive change by emphasizing the importance of symbols, behaviors, and language that promote inclusivity. Implement practical measures that demonstrate the organization’s commitment to creating an inclusive environment.

These key insights highlight the significance of taking a holistic approach to DEI, involving leadership in the process, valuing generational diversity, and implementing practical actions to foster an inclusive culture within the organization.

Some of our HR members provided valuable feedback on areas where our Employee Experience specialists can focus on promoting a healthy, inclusive, diverse culture. Let’s see how we can address them effectively:

  1. Transparent management and equal opportunity
    Transparency in our company’s policies and providing equal opportunities for all employees should be prioritized. By sharing relevant information and encouraging open dialogue, we can eliminate information asymmetry and build trust within our organization.
  2. Diversity in leadership positions
    To promote diversity in leadership, it is essential to actively identify and develop talent from underrepresented groups. This can be achieved by implementing inclusive hiring practices, providing leadership training and development programs, and creating mentorship opportunities for employees.
  3. Employee resource groups (ERGs)
    Establishing ERGs can create a sense of belonging and support for employees from diverse backgrounds. These groups can provide a platform for employees to connect, share experiences, and contribute to the organization’s DEI efforts. Encouraging ERGs and providing resources for their initiatives can enhance inclusivity.
  4. Regular feedback and pulse surveys
    Implementing regular feedback mechanisms, such as pulse surveys, can help gauge the employee experience and identify areas for improvement. By actively listening to employee feedback and taking action on their suggestions, we can create a culture that values and incorporates diverse perspectives.
  5. Continuous learning and development
    Offering learning opportunities and development programs focused on diversity, inclusion, and unconscious bias can enhance employee awareness and understanding. These initiatives can equip employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to foster an inclusive culture.
  6. Diverse talent acquisition strategies
    Reviewing our talent acquisition strategies to ensure we attract diverse candidates is crucial. This may involve partnering with organizations that focus on the diverse talent, revising job descriptions to be inclusive, and implementing blind resume screening processes to reduce unconscious bias.

Attending the seminar on building an inclusive culture provided valuable insights into the importance of DEI and practical strategies for creating an inclusive workplace. By incorporating the key takeaways and effectively addressing the current issues, 3i can further strengthen our efforts to retain top talent, foster a diverse and inclusive culture, and position ourselves as a leader in creating an environment where everyone can thrive!

