1.25 Identifying Design Scope

Willow Hong
Team Rice
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2017

After narrowing down to three key words: buying, mindful and food, the team decided to do an unpacking exercise: to further identify the meaning and content embedded in each word.


One question that needed to be asked is that: mindful for who? The idea of mindful can be originated from an individual point of view, as well as from the world. Being mindful about health may associate closer to individual’s well being, while being mindful about food wastage has more to do with the overall benefit of the society. From here we started to think about the stakeholders that can be played in our context, and what are the things they are mindful about.


There are many stages that relate to the food buying experience: having the need, producing, managing, preparing, eating, wasting, etc. The team believed that consumerism might be a better scope to design instead of just targeting on the buying experience. In this way, the intervention might be applied to any stage of the entire consuming experience to address the “mindfulness” and create cultural impact.


The team also talked about what does food mean. Food is any nourishing substance that people take into their body. They range from natural food to processed food to artificial food, and even to medicine.

Mixed Reality

The team also discussed the definition of mixed reality. We reached to a consensus that MR means a combination of virtual reality and physical reality in different ways. These two realities can overlap each other (exist simultaneously) or come one after another (sequential). MR can have 3 categories of manipulation effect on us: manipulation of time, space, and senses.

  • MR can slow down/fast forward time, and can show past/future time;
  • MR can juxtapose multiple spaces, replace spaces, enhance spaces;
  • MR can simulate senses, mute/alter senses, enhance senses.



Willow Hong
Team Rice

Master of Interaction Design@Carnegie Mellon University, Bachelor of Architecture@Cornell University. Self-exploration never stops.