2.7 Interview with freshmen

Bori Lee
Team Rice
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2017
The Interview with Curran Zhang

Shirley Chen

  • She is a freshman in Architecture who has unbelievably healthy lifestyle: She goes swim at 7 a.m. every weekdays, eats an apple everyday, and is always conscious about intaking balanced nutrition.
  • There are two factors why she so cares about healthy life. One is family influence. Since she was born premature, her parents have tried to maintain the family’s lifestyle as healthy as possible, such as less oil and sodium consumption and regular workout. The other is her PA Class in American highschool. She was taught about nutrition balance.
  • She loves baking & cooking but cannot do now because she has to live in dorm and has no time.
  • During a weekday — Freshmen should register university’s meal plan.
    Breakfast: Sandwitch at Au Bon Pain
    Lunch: If too busy, has salad or sandwitch. If have time, has grilled salmon and vegetables at Resnik Cafe.
  • During a weekend — has buffet style bruch at Schatz dining room on campus or Au Bon Pain. Some times goes Chipotle.
  • Her favoriate food is her mother’s dishes — she misses them so much. Although she has lived in US for 5 years and gets used to American food, it doesn’t mean she like it.
  • She learned how to cook and how to pick fresh items from her mother when they went grocery stores and cooked together. e.g. Fishes with murky eyes are not fresh. Soft fruits tend to sweet. Fruits are not perfect in shape tend to sweet as well. e.g. Measuring right amount of water with fingers when cooking rice.
  • Her mother’s decision making in purchasing food relys on the family’s taste and the seasons.
  • A family food episode: Her father put cleaning powder into a food in mistake for salt.
  • Her hometown tends to cook not very much rather just right amount for a meal. She was taught not to throw out food. Her mother separates food waste and general trash even though the city doesn’t have relevant regulation.

Curran Zhang

  • He is a freshman in Architecture. For him, time matters most. He usually skip breakfast, graps snack for lunch, and has dinner at Resnick cafe.
  • Although he is not a foodie and not into cooking — for him eating and cooking merely means surviving, he knows what to buy, how much should he buy, and how to cook. His mother taught him. Going grocery stores and cooking togather is a family routine.
  • His family cook just right portion of food for one meal. There is no lefeover usually.
  • When asked Apple Survey, he picked preferred apples based on color.



Bori Lee
Team Rice

Interaction Designer / Master of Design Candidate at Carnegie Mellon University / www.leebori.work