4. 12 Evaluative research presentation

Chirag Murthy
Team Rice
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2017

We presented our evaluative research, culminating into a high-fidelity storyboard to communicate our concept:

Scope & User:

Speed dating insights and the idea:

The concept:


Considerations and next steps:

While the client loved the idea of having a family recipe library that can be passed from generation to generation, they did not think that remote cooking could help in bonding. They also did not think that cooking as a space made good use of mixed reality technology.

One of the outcomes of this presentation was that, we knew we had to choose 1 direction to take. Currently we were dealing with two things — remote family bonding and cooking. We decided to keep remote family bonding (as it was an opportunity area from our research) and drop cooking (as it was only one method of bonding).

Going ahead, we will work on how remote families can share experiences with each other.



Chirag Murthy
Team Rice

Interaction design for future technology | Designer @ Skype