a shrinking tumor and lots of therapy

Team Carson Nancy
Team Carson Nancy


Carson had a long MRI last Monday, an update call from her oncologist that afternoon, and a follow-up appointment with Dr. Eskandari (neurosurgeon) yesterday morning. Our big surprising news is that her tumor has shrunk since her last MRI on May 8th!!! Praise Jesus! Both Dr. Kuril (oncologist) and Dr. Eskandari shared their surprise that it shrunk and how much it shrunk over a month and a half. We will still proceed with treatment based on how much tumor is left and it’s unfortunate location, but are so so happy to hear this news.

We should find out which treatment Carson will be receiving (chemo or the targeted oral medication) within a few weeks. I’m not sure if we’ve shared this already, but something that’s just starting to really settle in for us is how Carson’s tumor is a benign JPA- but has a very rare mutation in it that responds to treatment. Without this mutation, there would not be a treatment option and we’d just be closely monitoring the portion of the tumor that can’t be reached through surgery. Thank you Jesus for this rare mutation that makes our girl a candidate for treatment to shrink/kill what is left!

Carson was so brave and overcame some lingering fears as we returned to MUSC for her MRI. She got to see a favorite Child Life Specialist, Katie, who helped her decorate her mask with stickers and Lip Smackers chapstick to make the inside smell good for the laughing gas!

Our appointment with Dr. Eskandari yesterday morning was great. He was amazed to see Carson jump and how well she is doing since he last saw her in early May.

Carson continues to love going to therapy- which is a HUGE win! The timing of all of this was great in that we can spend time not in therapy/doctor appointments at the pool or beach.

We’ve been able to enjoy the summer in ways we didn’t think would be possible. Both girls are even set to go to Summerville High’s Cheerleading camp next week…. Who would have predicted that a month ago?!

We’ve loved reading through emails you have written to Carson (teamcarsonnancy@gmail.com if you’d still like to send one 😉) and continue to be in awe of God’s goodness throughout this journey and how Carson’s story is connecting with the lives of others in special ways.

Please pray over her future treatment plan, wisdom for Cam and I as we help Carson process through what has happened and what is to come…and as we work to process ourselves… and that God’s glory can be revealed through her blob.

We have so much to be thankful for and hope you can experience that too. Thank you for your love, support, prayers, and friendship.


