prepping for next stage…

Team Carson Nancy
Team Carson Nancy
4 min readJul 27, 2023


No treatment news to share yet- I had an update almost finished then received another call from Carson’s oncologist changing the projected timeline again. I think it is time for me to invest in some good pencils and erasers for my planner and continue to lean into keeping plans and expectations flexible!

Carson has a few more medical appointments with various specialties to establish her baseline prior to the start of treatment (ophthalmology/echocardiogram/etc…) and will need an additional MRI. Our new timeline based on those appointments would plan for her to be assigned a treatment plan the week of August 21st (first week of school) and start treatment the following week. If she is assigned chemotherapy, we would have another in-patient hospital stay to place a port and receive her first round. It’s a lot to wrap our minds around when the other option (targeted oral medication) seems much more desirable, but getting too far ahead of ourselves mentally does not help when the route she will go is still unknown. Again, we will hold plans and expectations loosely!

We continue to pray for strength to trust in the Lord’s timing and hand over each step in this process for our girl. We continue to see and remember beauty in the timing of everything so far. How sweet it is to have what we have already experienced as markers to bring confidence in the Lord’s presence in the unknown ahead of us.

Entering this next stage brings mixed emotions. We knew it was coming and that it is important for Carson’s “blob,” however, we’ve been enjoying our summer of spending time at the pool, beach, and watching her thrive in her therapy appointments. We will have to gear up for these upcoming big changes for Carson and for our family.

Carson and Sullivan (3-year old sister) have hit a sweet spot recently in their little friendship, which has been a gift from lots of time together this summer! They both had a BLAST at cheer camp and we had a great beach vacation with extended family. Carson is getting stronger each day and discovering new ways to use her right hand/arm with her current limitations.

Please join with us in praying for continued trust in the Lord as we wait for then find out her treatment plan. Please pray that He will prepare our hearts for whatever the news is- if she is set to receive chemotherapy or if she will receive the targeted oral medication. Please also pray for peace of mind and strength to navigate schedules with work/school, therapy appointments, medical appointments, treatment appointments, and things of “normal” life. It feels extremely overwhelming but will take it as another opportunity to rely on the Lord, learn how to ask for and receive help, and experience the beauty of life in new ways.

Carson is set to return to school mid-August in the first grade and she is thrilled! We are working with the school to see what accommodations and resources she is eligible to receive. They have been amazing so far and we are thankful for a team who will help work with her/us to set her up for success at school.

We are also so impressed with each doctor we have met with and worked with so far. Carson has an amazing team and we are so thankful for them.

We’ll be back on with news as we learn of her treatment plan!


