How Engazify helps you in keeping your remote team motivated

Varun Deo
Team Engazify
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2016

This article is Part 2 of a 2 part series. To read Part 1, Click here.

Remote teams have become a trend, one that will no doubt be followed for a long time. As I stated in the previous article, faster internet speed and better connectivity have brought the world together, and people with leading organizations have started to prefer working from home rather than enduring the troubles of commotion or the thought of someone looking over their shoulder, all this time being away from the comforts of their house. Its easier for organizations to hire people when they open up for remote working because they are not bound to choose talent only in their region, they get a worldwide view to hire talented employees, its a hassle to relocate that talented employee to your office location, instead people are taking the route of allowing them to work remotely. Even most of the teams prefer this idea, as this cuts their expenses by a huge margin. The only major problem being finding a good remote employee who has the determination and self-discipline to work with their maximum productivity even at home. To keep such a remote employee motivated throughout their work, I discussed a few techniques that might keep the team together and non-isolate the isolated being.

It seems the ideas are pretty straightforward to execute, but that isn’t the case. One needs to find the perfect platform for each of these issues and address them separately, which is a tedious task. Then, it is not very desirable to appreciate an employee on one platform, give & take feedback on another, and then switching to another to share a team victory of yours. What if you could do all of these things, and more, on a single platform?

Engazify is a simple yet effective way of increasing team productivity and keeping employees happy and motivated. 65% of employees said they wanted an effective feedback, which could change their course, tell them where they are going wrong and thus increase their productivity. 78% of employees said being recognized motivates them in doing their job and an appreciation of their work will keep them going, no matter what. With Engazify, you can do both, and even more, and keep your team motivated at all times!

Team Engazify has launched two separate solutions for two different categories of teams: Those who communicate on Slack and those who don’t. Let’s start with those who don’t.


Appreciate and Recognize your teammates

  • Appreciate your remote team members and keep them happy
  • Recognize someone and make their day
  • Customize awards to give to your teammates (#pat_on_the_back, #teamwork)
  • Social media: Share your recognition on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any other social network, with one click
  • Gamify the experience by awarding points from your allowed budget
  • Redeem the points you received for gift cards from Amazon, Starbucks, Jabong or anywhere else

Share your ideas, start a discussion

  • Sharebox: To share unique and innovative ideas
  • Encourage open Communication and Transparency
  • Start a discussion, or participate in one and one Feedback
  • Give your employees a chance to express themselves
  • Ask for doubts or queries you think your teammates could solve or help
  • Post Updates and Team wins
  • Get real time feedback from your teammates

Engazify Bot

If your team is on Slack, you don’t need to leave it and jump on another platform. We have created a Bot to assist you, so it does most of the legwork itself.

Effortless appreciation

  • Appreciate, effortlessly. The Bot will capture your appreciation and display it to the whole team, so you know your work is getting recognized.

Keep a track of the leaderboard!

  • Gamify the experience by keeping a track of the number or awards received via the leaderboard, and grabbing the top place for an amazing prize!

Have fun talking to him

  • Chat with him like just another friend. He can tell you a joke, inform you about current news or upcoming movies, or dance for you. He’s pretty humorous, give him a try and we’re sure he won’t disappoint you.

Well, then? Want to keep your remote team motivated? Stop searching for the methods and start using Engazify right away!

We’re open to suggestions and queries, catch us @engazify or write a sweet mail to!



Varun Deo
Team Engazify

UnderGrad Student at IIT Kharagpur, Former Business developer at WebEngage and Engazify, Avid Footballer, Startups and Technology enthusiast