Photos from the road: June

From Iowa to New Hampshire and South Carolina, it was a busy, exciting month on the campaign trail.

Kirsten Gillibrand
3 min readJul 3, 2019


I spent the first full weekend of the month in Iowa, where I joined Pride celebrations and served up a few drinks at a historic gay bar in Des Moines.

What a way to celebrate Pride!

I always try to get a morning workout in, even when I’m on the trail, and I love going to as many woman-owned gyms and studios as possible. Here’s some of what we did at Tire Trained Studio in Marion, IA.

That night was the Hall of Fame Dinner hosted by the Iowa Democratic Party. Outside the event, Iowa members of Team Gillibrand got LOUD and filled the street with pink!

Watch my full speech at the Hall of Fame:

Later in June, I went back to my old stomping grounds at Dartmouth College and was joined by my dear friend and college roommate, Connie Britton.

This was one of my favorite nights this month: the Congressional Women’s Softball Game! We fell to the Bad News Babes, but I got a few clutch hits in.

A few days later, I spoke at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s forum in South Carolina to make loud and clear: Reproductive rights are human rights, and they are nonnegotiable.

Spent some time with a few friends in South Carolina. Thanks for an amazing fish fry, Rep. Jim Clyburn!

The morning after the Democratic debate, I traveled to Homestead, a for-profit detention center outside of Miami, to bring attention to the Trump administration detaining 3,000 children they have separated from their families there. I will not back down from fighting for these children.

BONUS: While I was on the road, our campaign staff at HQ got a very special visitor — Maple Gillibrand!

For even more photos from the road, be sure to follow along on Twitter and Instagram. And to help keep me out on the road, donate to my campaign today. Your donation helps make sure I can keep visiting places like Iowa and New Hampshire and meeting as many voters as possible — and you can help send me to the next round of Democratic debates, too.

Hope to see you out there soon!



Kirsten Gillibrand

Mom to Theo, Henry and dog Maple. Wife to Jonathan. U.S. Senator from New York. She/her.