‘Get Digital, Go Medieval’ With Mark Stahlman

Our artificial intelligence has become the new ground for human interaction

Douglas Rushkoff
Team Human
Published in
1 min readMar 4, 2020


Playing for Team Human today, founder of the Center for the Study of Digital Life, Mark Stahlman.

Stahlman joins Team Human to discuss how artificial intelligence has become the new ground for human interaction, and why navigating it will require us to retrieve our uniquely human senses. “We will only become fully human if we learn to take responsibility for our actions.” Stahlman says. Further, he discusses the shift from a television environment to a digital environment and what that means for our collective sensibilities.

In his opening monologue. Rushkoff discusses Super Tuesday results and looks at the figure and ground of the presidential race and what we can do in our local communities to create change.

Learn more about the Center for the Study of Digital Life: http://www.digitallife.center/



Douglas Rushkoff
Team Human

Author of Survival of the Richest, Team Human, Program or Be Programmed, and host of the Team Human podcast http://teamhuman.fm