Mini challenge — Personal Brainstorming

Trevor Hunter
team intrepid
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2018
School Library. Quiet please

Specific occasion at the library

I always hated libraries as they are always so quiet and the librarian was such a totalitarian and you toed the line — his line. Quiet! This was enough to turn me off using the facilities.

Probably for that very reason I never knew how to find information and I often found the search engines never gave me the results I needed. This just built on the frustration and the thought of asking the librarian for help sent shivers up my spine.

Most of the time the book I wanted wasn’t there. It was either borrowed out or someone had put it back in the wrong place. Adding to mine and the librarian’s frustration.

I wish I could get the most recent and relevant information instead of having to read through screeds of stuff to find one little bit. It would be so much easier if I could talk to someone who was an expert of the topic and they could understand what I want and we could build an understanding of what the topic of conversation was and we could share ideas.

As it stood I didn’t get my research done . . . . FAIL!

Community library

Second scenario of user of library

A single mother of three small children (14, 7 and 2 years). The two older children attend the local public school in a low socio-economic area. The children are very intelligent and and want to do well in school. The school teacher puts pressure on the children to do well knowing that they are quite bright and wants them to achieve.

The school doesn’t have a lot of computers and the children often miss out on the chance of using the computers unless they give up their lunch breaks. The mum has limited time and tries to take them to the local library. The library is underfunded and they are unable to get a lot of assistance.

Both the mum and the children get frustrated with the facilities and the lack of support they get and the time spent there become less. This is a similar scenario with others and the library become less patronised and therefore loses funding.



Trevor Hunter
team intrepid

Entering my final semester of Master of Interaction Design degree at The University of Queensland.