Mini Challenge 4- Story Boarding

Natania Allan
Team Kaleidoscope
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2019


This is a use case scenario we explain through story-boarding.

User Case: The customer, Rahul enters the community led grocery store in his neighborhood. He looks around and sees many moving graphics on screens. He locates rice and approaches the counter. The screen behind the counter catches his attention. The infographics on the screen keep changing frequently. One about rice is on the screen. It talks about the origin of the rice, which is Maharashtra. There’s also a segment called headed “Meet Your Farmer” with a farmer and a short bio about him. This information makes the customer aware of the origin of the produce.

As Rahul walks around the store, the infographics speak about the various types of produce and their origins. There is also an assortment of screens playing videos at an island counter. Rahul can choose to unmute the videos and watch them. The videos inform the customers about how they produce the crops, the methods they use, etc. This is an informative experience for the customer.

As Rahul frequents the store, he is familiar with the products and their origins and has developed an awareness and empathy for the farming community. When he visits the store a while later and finds his produce at higher prices or unavailable, he realizes that the farming community is facing adverse conditions in a certain area/state. As he walks around the store, he sees some screens displaying a message- “Maharashtra in Crisis” and a button below saying, “Help Out”. The bridge/relationship that has been formed has made Rahul sympathetic to the plight of the farmers, instigating a want to help them out. He chooses to do so with the various options available; either by donating money or getting in contact with volunteer organizations. This can be done by interacting with certain screens set up in the store. On the screen, there is also a link to the online platform set up as an extension of this program. Rahul can choose to visit the online platform at a later time.

Having helped out in his own way, Rahul proceeds to check out his items himself. He fills the bags with the produce he brought with him and exits the store feeling happy to have helped the cause.



Natania Allan
Team Kaleidoscope

UX Design & Research | A11y Design| Interaction Design | Videography | Photography