Unlisted Kits

Kit Blog


Sometimes you want to make a kit for that special someone — like a client, a viewer, or a friend — and it’s for their eyes only. 👀

Other times you’re in the middle of making the dopest kit — like a gift guide, a wish list, or a swag kit — and it’s not quite ready to be revealed to the world *just yet.*

With Unlisted kits you can now keep any kit you make on the down low, and share the link with who you want, when you’re ready.

Couple things to note: Unlisted kits won’t be visible on your Kit.com profile, but anyone with a direct link to your Unlisted kit will be able to view it. This way you can share the link freely with whomever the kit is intended for while keeping your profile pristine.

And since Unlisted kits are fully controlled by you, they won’t be visible in other places on and off the platform: like on the Kit.com homepage, in Kit search, or in search engine results.

To make your first Unlisted kit, simply head over to your profile and tap the lock 🔒 on any kit card — or when you’re on a kit page, tap the edit button to find the unlisted kit settings.

Happy kitting on the DL! 😉



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