Dayton Skyline


Wade McComas
Team McComas Short Stories
1 min readOct 10, 2014


I always wait for silence.
I curse the noise
Turn up my nose
At it
Thinking that soon I will have my peace

The time when an original though would
Beautifully and slowly
Walk toward me
A bride to the alter
A revelation

When I can sit
And discover a collection of phrases
Pare them down
Make them new again
Or make them simple enough to be understood anew

But she never comes

Often now,
I remind myself to be grateful
For if quiet were to come
She would surely be a disappointed lover

Anxiously waiting for my inner voice to speak
To create
To proclaim,
In chilling silence.



Wade McComas
Team McComas Short Stories

Christian, Husband, Father of Four, Gospel Instigator and Baker.