oozled v0.2

Search, filtering and more!

Dan Edwards
team oozled
2 min readJun 6, 2014


Today I’m super excited to announce two new major features in oozled!

The first, is search!

Search was the highest requested features of the first version of oozled, we’ve just rolled out a site wide search that will allow you to quickly find resources based on your keywords.

We’re not finished with this feature yet, we’ll be bringing in an improved, more accurate search in a future version but we hope you’ll find this initial version super handy.

The second, is filters.

Filtering was something we wanted to bring in for our initial launch but we just missed our internal deadline. As of today, though you can filter resources based on most recently updated, A–Z or Z–A. We’ve kept the option to view everything or your subscribed only items on the homepage, too.

Improved UI

We’ve re-worked some pain points that our users let us know about including:

Simpler Navigation
Our new navigation bar brings a few of our regularly hit items such as Submit, My Stuff and now Search out of the menu and has allowed us to keep the mega menu for browsing site content. You can now also close the menu by hitting the escape key.

New Category View
We’ve re-aligned the category pages so that they are cleaner and easier to digest. No more flipping of individual resources to see what it’s about everything is in direct view. We hope that this makes browsing the site faster and easier to digest.

MOAR Columns!
You’ll also notice that we’ve ditched the old 3 column layout and brought in a new 4 column layout that allows you to view more content on the screen at any time without sacrificing usability or style.

Video time!

Check out this little video that guides you around some of the improvements we’ve made to oozled recently.

And there’s more to come!

We’ve still got lots more to come, so keep on tweeting, submitting and coming back to oozled and if there’s anything you think we could do to make it better drop us an email.

Thanks! ☺

